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Profesi 4. No Garem Love Insaed Long Famili

Profesi 4. No Garem Love Insaed Long Famili

Profesi 4. No Garem Love Insaed Long Famili

“Pipol bae . . . no garem love wea olketa shud garem for famili bilong olketa.”—2 TIMOTHY 3:1-3, God’s Word Bible

● Chris hem waka for domestic violence grup long North Wales. Chris hem sei: “Wantaem wanfala woman hem kam wea feis bilong hem boela narawe and mi no luksavve long hem nao.” Hem sei tu: “Feeling bilong samfala nara woman nogud tumas and olketa no savve luk long iu.”

WASWE, HEM FULFILL DISTAEM? Long wanfala kantri long Africa, samting olsem 1-fala long evri 3-fala woman samwan spoelem hem saed long sex taem hem pikinini. Wanfala survey long datfala kantri showimaot wanfala long thrifala man tingse hem olraet nomoa for killim nogud waef bilong olketa. Bat no just olketa woman nomoa safa from domestic violence. Long Canada, samting olsem 3-fala long evri 10-fala man, woman bilong olketa killim olketa nogud or duim eni nara samting for spoelem olketa.

WANEM NAO SAMFALA WEA NO AGREE TALEM? Long bifor, olketa garem domestic violence tu. Bat distaem nomoa iumi just herem staka story abaotem.

WASWE, HEM STRET FOR NO AGREE? Pipol distaem savve gud abaotem problem saed long domestic violence winim eni taem bifor. Bat waswe, namba bilong pipol wea kasem problem saed long domestic violence hem gogo daon? Nomoa, hem no olsem. Distaem wei for no garem love insaed famili hem big tumas.

WANEM NAO TINGTING BILONG IU? Waswe, profesi long 2 Timothy 3:1-3 hem fulfill? Waswe, pipol garem love wea olketa shud garem for famili bilong olketa?

Mek-faev profesi wea gohed for fulfill hem abaotem earth, wea hem hom bilong iumi. Tingim profesi wea Bible talem abaotem earth.

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“Domestic violence hem crime wea staka pipol no reportim long police. Man savve killim nogud woman bilong hem samting olsem 35 taem bifor woman hia reportim long police.”—WOMAN WEA STORY FOR WALES DOMESTIC ABUSE HELPLINE.