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1 No Eniwan Fit for Savve Long God Waswe Hem Tru?

1 No Eniwan Fit for Savve Long God Waswe Hem Tru?

1 No Eniwan Fit for Savve Long God—Waswe Hem Tru?

Maet iu herem: “Plande samting wea God duim, iumi no savve minim.”

“No eniwan fit for savve long father, no eniwan fit for savve long son, and no eniwan fit for savve long holy ghost.” Disfala toktok hem kam from Athanasian Creed, wea storyim Trinity teaching wea staka religion wea sei olketa Christian bilivim.

Samting Bible teachim: Jesus sei olketa wea “lane abaotem . . . trufala God” bae kasem gud samting. (John 17:3) Bat hao nao bae iu lane abaotem God sapos no eniwan fit for savve long hem? God talem iumi staka samting abaotem hemseleva, wea showimaot hem laekem evriwan for savve long hem.—Jeremiah 31:34.

Hem tru, bae iumi no savve long evri samting abaotem God, bikos tingting and olketa wei bilong hem barava hae winim iumi.—Ecclesiastes 3:11; Isaiah 55:8, 9.

Savve long truth helpem iu: Sapos no eniwan fit for savve long God, iumi maet tingse iumi weistim taem nomoa for laek lane abaotem hem. Bat God laekem iumi for savve long hem, and fren gud witim hem. God kolem Abraham “fren bilong mi.” And David wea king bilong Israel raet olsem: “Olketa wea fraet long Jehovah barava fren gud witim hem.”—Isaiah 41:8; Psalm 25:14.

Waswe, iu ting hem hard samting for man fren gud witim God? Maet iu ting olsem, bat lukim samting wea Acts 17:27 talem: “Hem no hard nomoa for savve long [God].” Hao nao olsem? Samting wea Bible talem helpem iumi for savve gud long hem. *

Hem talem iumi nem bilong hem Jehovah. (Isaiah 42:8) Hem talem iumi evri samting wea hem duim for olketa man mekem iumi savve wanem kaen God nao hem. Hem talem tu olketa feeling and wei bilong hem. Hem “showimaot mercy and kaen tumas, hem no savve kros kwiktaem and hem garem bigfala love and hem evritaem duim samting wea hem talem.” (Exodus 34:6) Samting wea iumi duim savve mekem God hapi or feel nogud. Olsem example, olketa long Israel bifor mekem hem “sorre” taem olketa bighed for againstim hem. Bat olketa wea obeyim hem mekem hem hapi.—Psalm 78:40; Proverbs 27:11.


^ par. 7 For savve moa samting wea Bible talem abaotem God, lukim chapter 1 long buk, Wanem Nao Really Samting wea Bible Teachim? Olketa Jehovah’s Witness pablisim.

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Waswe, iumi fit for savve long God sapos hem Trinity?

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The Trinity c.1500, Flemish School, (16th century) / H. Shickman Gallery, New York, USA / The Bridgeman Art Library International