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Waswe, sex education shud kam from parents?

Waswe, sex education shud kam from parents?

Samfala Ask Olsem . . .

Waswe, sex education shud kam from parents?

▪ Staka parents bae traem best for keepim gud pikinini bilong olketa for no kasem eni big sik. Long sem wei parents mas traem best for protectim pikinini bilong olketa from eni rong tingting abaotem sex. Wanfala samting parents savve duim nao hem for storyim long pikinini stret samting abaotem diswan. (Proverbs 5:3-23) Hem barava important for parents duim diswan bikos distaem hem isi tumas for pikinini lukim piksa and herem singsing abaotem sex long TV, internet and mobile phone, and read abaotem sex long olketa buk.

Diane Levin, wanfala Professor saed long education, hem storyim hao distaem olketa pikinini lanem rong samting abaotem sex, olketa herem story abaotem sex taem olketa smol tumas, and olketa no kasem sex education from parents bilong olketa. Olketa advertisement distaem and olketa stael kaleko wea showim body mekhae long sex, wea olketa samting hia mekem pikinini lanem rong samting abaotem sex.

Parents mas protectim pikinini from olketa rong tingting abaotem sex wea spoelem pipol long community. (Proverbs 5:1; Ephesians 6:4) Olketa smol pikinini mas lanem hao body bilong olketa waka, hao for lukaftarem body and hao for protectim olketa seleva from pipol wea laek spoelem olketa saed long sex. Bifor gele bilong iu kasem period bilong hem, iu mas storyim hao body bilong hem bae change. Iu mas storyim why hem kasem period bilong hem and wanem bae happen. Olsem tu, bifor boy bilong iu kasem olketa wet dream iu mas storyim firstaem long hem. Taem pikinini smol, parents savve teachim hem stretfala nem for olketa difren part long body. Hem stret for parents wea lovem pikinini bilong olketa for teachim thrifala important samting abaotem private part bilong olketa: (1) Hem spesol and bilong olketa seleva nomoa. (2) Hem tambu for tok nogud or mek-fani abaotem private part bilong olketa. (3) Olketa narawan shud no tasim private part bilong olketa, and olketa mas no showim long narawan. Taem pikinini start for big, parents mas disaedem wanem taem nao hem fitim for story long pikinini abaotem wanem nao sex. *

Wanem taem nao parents shud lanem pikinini abaotem olketa samting hia? Taem olketa smol yet. Maet wanfala gele kasem period bilong hem taem hem 10 year or bifor datwan. Maet wanfala boy kasem firstfala wet dream bilong hem taem hem 11 or 12 year. Olketa bigfala change hia savve mekem pikinini wari and fraet sapos hem no minim why nao hem happen. So bifor olketa samting hia happen parents mas talem pikinini diswan hem normal samting and no eni samting hem rong witim body bilong hem. Taem parents story abaotem sex long pikinini hem gudfala taem tu for teachim hem olketa standard bilong Bible abaotem diswan, and why hem barava important for followim olketa standard hia. Diswan hem samting wea no eni sex education program long skul or eni nara organization long world olketa duim.—Proverbs 6:27-35.


^ par. 5 Parents savve readim moa information abaotem disfala topic long olketa pablikeson hia wea Olketa Jehovah’s Witness pablisim: Secret for Kasem Hapi Famili, chapter 8, par. 4-11, page 90-94; and “Keep Yourselves in God’s Love,” chapter 9, par. 9-12, page 100-102, appendix page 218-219.