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Waswe, Fitim Man for Kaikaim Bilnat?

Waswe, Fitim Man for Kaikaim Bilnat?

Waswe, Fitim Man for Kaikaim Bilnat?

SAPOS iu meetim samwan long road and hem smile long iu, teeth bilong hem blak, mouth bilong hem red, and taem hem spit graon hem red, iu savve nao, hem kaikaim bilnat.

Samting olsem 700 million pipol nao kaikaim bilnat start long East Africa, Pakistan, and India, and olketa kantri long Southeast Asia go kasem Papua New Guinea, and olketa island long Micronesia. Pipol savve sidaon long market or putim tebol long saed road for salem bilnat. Samfala taem pikinini bilong olketa tu savve sidaon witim olketa. Samfala narawan wea salem bilnat savve iusim olketa braet kala laet and garem olketa gele wea werem kaleko olsem olketa jury woman, for switim pipol for kam peim bilnat.

Wei for salem bilnat hem bigfala bisnis evriwea long world. Bat wanem nao bilnat? Why nao staka pipol kaikaim? Hao nao wei for kaikaim bilnat hem spoelem health bilong olketa? Wanem nao Bible talem abaotem wei for kaikaim bilnat? Wanem nao savve helpem man for lusim diswan?

Wanem Nao Bilnat?

Bilnat hem frut bilong areca palm (betel palm), wanfala palm tree wea grow long olketa kantri long Pacific and Southeast Asia. Olketa wea kaikaim bilnat kaikaim datfala frut witim leaf bilong betel-pepper plant and witim lelebet lime. Taem man mixim datfala lime witim frut and leaf, bilnat hia hem kamap wanfala drug. Samfala putim spice, tobacco, or sugar for mekem hem teist difren.

Taem man kaikaim bilnat diswan mekem mouth bilong hem fulap long saliva wea hem red fogud. Dastawe olketa wea kaikaim bilnat savve spit olowe. And sapos olketa insaed wanfala trak and olketa spit, datwan savve kasem man wea wakabaot!

Wei for Kaikaim Bilnat Mekem Man Kasem Nogud Samting!

Magasin Oral Health hem sei: ‘Pipol kaikaim areca nut (bilnat) from bifor kam nao. Diswan kamap part long culture bilong olketa, and olketa kaikaim bilnat taem olketa hipap tugeta and long worship bilong olketa tu. Staka taem pipol no ting long diswan olsem bae hem spoelem olketa. Olketa sei taem olketa kaikaim bilnat, olketa savve swet, feel gud and hapi tu. Bat, pipol wea duim research faendaot wei for kaikaim bilnat savve spoelem man.’ Hao nao hem spoelem man?

Samfala savveman sei bilnat hem garem wanfala chemical insaed wea savve mekem man laek for kaikaim bilnat olowe and no isi for lusim. Tru nao, samfala man savve kaikaim 50-fala bilnat evriday! Taem man kaikaim bilnat olowe gogo bae teeth bilong hem red, and gum bilong hem garem soa. Datfala magasin Oral Health talem tu hao pipol wea kaikaim bilnat olowe maet isisi garem “chewers mucosa.” Diswan minim insaed long mouth bilong olketa hem no smooth and hem garem red mark wea no savve aot. Maet gogo olketa garem disfala sik wea olketa kolem, oral submucous fibrosis. Diswan minim “lining insaed long mouth bilong olketa hem barava nogud nao.”

Wei for kaikaim bilnat savve kosim cancer long throat and mouth, wea diswan olketa kolem oral squamous cell carcinoma. Wanfala samting wea showimaot diswan hem tru nao, staka pipol long olketa kantri long Southeast Asia garem cancer long mouth. Long Taiwan, long evri 100 pipol wea garem cancer long mouth, 85 long olketa nao kasem cancer bikos olketa kaikaim bilnat. Niuspepa The China Post hem sei: “Insaed long 40 year wea go pas, namba bilong olketa wea garem cancer long mouth, hem kamap fofala taem moa big. Cancer long mouth hem wanfala long tenfala main sik wea killim man dae long Taiwan.”

Diswan happen long olketa nara kantri tu. Niuspepa Papua New Guinea Post-Courier hem sei: “PNG Medical Society hem talem, bilnat wea hem wanfala samting wea pipol long Papua New Guinea laekem tumas, hem killim dae samting olsem 2,000 pipol evri year, and hem kosim staka nara problem saed long health.” Wanfala doctor hem sei “olketa problem wea kasem pipol wea kaikaim bilnat olowe, hem olsem tu olketa problem wea kasem pipol wea smoke” and wanfala long olketa problem hia hem sik long heart.

Wanem Nao Bible Talem Abaotem Wei for Kaikaim Bilnat?

Bible no wanfala medical buk, and hem no story abaotem wei for kaikaim bilnat. Nomata olsem, hem storyim staka principle wea savve helpem iumi for garem gudfala living, for stap klin, and healthy. Tingim olketa Bible scripture hia and ting raonem olketa kwestin wea kam bihaen.

“Olketa fren bilong mi, from God promisim iumi olketa samting hia, iumi mas klinim from body bilong iumiseleva eni samting wea savve mekem body or tingting bilong iumi for no klin, mekem iumi kamap holy from iumi fraet long God.” (2 Corinthians 7:1) “Givim body bilong iufala olsem wanfala sakrifaes wea . . . holy and wea God savve hapi long hem.” (Romans 12:1) Waswe, man hem holy or klin long tingting bilong God sapos hem mekem body bilong hem dirty from hem kaikaim bilnat?

“[God] nao mekem iumi laef.” (Acts 17:28) “Evri gud and perfect present hem from antap.” (James 1:17) Laef hem wanfala spesol present from God. Waswe, man tinghae long disfala present sapos hem kaikaim bilnat wea savve mekem hem kasem sik?

“No eniwan savve waka for tufala boss.” (Matthew 6:24) “Mi bae no letem eni samting for kontrolem mi.” (1 Corinthians 6:12) Waswe, man wea laek for mekem God hapi bae letem wei for kaikaim bilnat kontrolem hem?

“Iu mas lovem narawan long sem wei wea iu lovem iuseleva.” (Mark 12:31) “Man wea lovem narawan, bae no spoelem hem.” (Romans 13:10, The New English Bible) Waswe, iumi really lovem narawan sapos iumi spitim bilnat olobaot long road or area bilong pipol, wea diswan savve kosim sik?

Bible sei, ‘samting iumi plantim, datwan nao bae iumi harvestim.’ (Galatians 6:7, 8) Pipol savve diswan hem barava tru. So sapos iumi duim nogud samting, bae iumi kasem nogud samting tu. Bat taem iumi duim olketa samting wea God laekem iumi for duim, bae iumi kasem gud samting and trufala hapi. Sapos iu laek for duim wanem God laekem, bat iu man for kaikaim bilnat olowe, hao nao iu savve lusim? Hem gud for prea abaotem diswan, and traem thrifala samting hia wea helpem samfala finis.

Thrifala Samting wea Bae Helpem Man for Lusim Wei for Kaikaim Bilnat

1. Disaed strong for duim samting. For man lusim wei for kaikaim bilnat, hem no inaf for savve nomoa hao datwan savve kosim sik. Iumi savve staka pipol gohed kaikaim bilnat, smoke, or iusim drug nomata olketa savve evri samting hia savve kosim sik and killim olketa dae. For mekem iu strong for duim wanem iu disaedem, hem gud for readim Bible for savve abaotem God wea wakem iu, and bigfala love wea hem garem for iu. Long Hebrews 4:12 hem sei: “Toktok bilong God hem laef and hem garem paoa.”

2. Askem help bilong God. Jesus Christ hem sei: “Gohed for ask and iufala bae kasem samting wea iufala ask for hem. Gohed for lukaotem samting and iufala bae faendem datwan. Gohed for noknok long door and bae hem open for iufala. Bikos evriwan wea ask bae kasem samting, and evriwan wea lukaotem samting bae faendem datwan, and door bae open for evriwan wea noknok long hem.” (Luke 11:9, 10) Taem Jehovah God hem lukim iu prea and askem hem for sapotim and strongim iu, bae hem helpem iu. Long 1 John 4:8 hem sei: “God hem love.” Aposol Paul nao hem wanfala man wea God showimaot love long hem. Hem sei: “Nomata wanem samting hem kasem mi, paoa wea mi kasem from God nao hem strongim mi for gohed.”—Philippians 4:13.

3. Olketa narawan savve helpem iu. Olketa wea iu fren witim savve helpem or spoelem iu. Proverbs 13:20 hem sei: “Man wea fren witim pipol wea wise bae hem wise, bat man wea fren witim pipol wea krangge bae hem kasem nogud samting.” So chusim olketa gudfala fren! Staka wea kaikaim bilnat bifor, olketa kamap Olketa Jehovah’s Witness distaem. Taem olketa studyim Bible and fren witim olketa Witness, datwan helpem olketa for lusim wei for kaikaim bilnat.

[Box/​Olketa Piksa long page 27]


Mifala interviewim faevfala pipol wea kaikaim bilnat bifor, bat olketa lusim distaem. Tingim wanem olketa talem.

Hao nao gogo iu kaikaim bilnat?

Pauline: Dadi and mami nao givim bilnat long mi taem mi smol pikinini. Datwan hem wei bilong evriwan long vilij bilong mifala long Papua New Guinea.

Betty: Dadi nao givim bilnat long mi taem mi tu year nomoa. Taem mi teenager, basket bilong mi fulap long bilnat, gogo mi olsem wanfala bilnat tree nao! Evri morning, first samting mi mas duim taem mi wekap hem for kaikaim bilnat.

Wen-Chung: Mi start for kaikaim bilnat taem mi 16 year. Wei for kaikaim bilnat hem samting wea evriwan duim, and hem wei for pruvim mi big finis. Mi laekem olketa narawan for acceptim mi.

Jiao-Lian: Mi salem bilnat for kasem selen. For bisnis bilong mi gohed gud, mi mas salem olketa bilnat wea hem gud wan, so mi teistim for mek sure hem gud. Gogo mi kaikaim bilnat olowe nao.

Hao nao wei for kaikaim bilnat affectim health bilong iu?

Jiao-Lian: Mouth, teeth, and lips bilong mi hem full red. Mi savve les for lukim olketa piksa bilong mi taem mi kaikaim bilnat yet. Kam kasem distaem lips bilong mi savve garem soa yet.

Pauline: Mouth bilong mi savve garem soa, mi savve laek toroaot, and mi beleran tu.

Betty: Mi thin fogud. Hevi bilong mi hem 35 kilo nomoa. Teeth bilong mi hem luk nogud and staka taem mi savve klinim witim steel wool.

Sam: Mi savve beleran and gum bilong mi garem soa. Distaem mi garem wanfala teeth nomoa! Maet evri teeth bilong mi foldaon bikos mi savve iusim steel wool for klinim teeth bilong mi.

Wanem nao mekem iu lusim wei for kaikaim bilnat?

Pauline: Mi readim long 2 Corinthians 7:1 samting wea God laekem iumi for duim. Hem sei: “Iumi mas klinim from body bilong iumiseleva eni samting wea savve mekem body or tingting bilong iumi for no klin.” Diswan nao mekem mi disaed strong for lusim wei for kaikaim bilnat bikos mi laek for mekem God hapi.

Sam: Mi laekem holy spirit bilong Jehovah God for leadim mi, so mi prea for Jehovah helpem mi for no kaikaim bilnat. Jehovah ansarem prea bilong mi. Kam kasem distaem mi no kaikaim bilnat for samting olsem 30 year finis.

Jiao-Lian: Taem mi readim Bible mi lukim disfala scripture wea sei: “Iufala wea sin mas wasim hand bilong iufala.” (James 4:8) Toktok hia barava affectim mi. From mi savve bilnat savve spoelem man wea kaikaim, mi luksavve hem no stret for mi kaikaim and salem bilnat. Long datfala taem nao mi disaed strong for lusim wei for kaikaim bilnat wea mekem body bilong mi dirty, and spoelem wei wea mi fren witim God.

Wanem gud samting nao iu kasem from iu lusim wei for kaikaim bilnat?

Wen-Chung: Reason why mi kaikaim bilnat bifor hem bikos mi laekem olketa narawan for acceptim mi. Bat distaem nao mi garem olketa gudfala fren. Mi fren witim Jehovah and olketa brata and sista long kongregeson.

Sam: Health bilong mi hem kamap gud distaem and mi fren gud witim Jehovah. And from mi no weistim selen for peim bilnat, mi fit for lukaftarem gud famili bilong mi.

Pauline: Bilnat hem no kontrolem mi and mi feel klin. Teeth bilong mi white and strong. And no eni skin bilnat or spit bilong bilnat mek rabis long haos and garden raonem haos bilong mi.

Betty: Health bilong mi hem gud and konsens bilong mi hem klin. Distaem mi garem tufala waka. Mi wanfala skul teacher and mi busy for duim preaching waka full-taem tu.

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(Lukim pablikeson for full formatted text)

Wei for kaikaim bilnat olowe savve mekem man kasem olketa sik

Teeth wea red, and gum wea garem soa

Oral submucous fibrosis

Oral squamous cell carcinoma

[Piksa long page 24)

Bilnat wea olketa pasolem long betel-pepper leaf