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Waswe, Iu Savve Finis?

Waswe, Iu Savve Finis?

Waswe, Iu Savve Finis?

Wea nao olketa tekem olketa spesol ston for mekem datfala paos long chest bilong hae priest?

Bihaen olketa Israelite lusim Egypt and go long wilderness, God talem olketa for mekem paos for putim long chest bilong hae priest. (Exodus 28:15-21) Datfala paos olketa wakem from olketa ston olsem ruby, topaz, emerald, turquoise, sapphire, jasper, leshem, agate, amethyst, chrysolite, onyx, and jade. * Hao, olketa Israelite garem olketa ston hia?

Long taem bilong Bible, pipol tinghae and olketa savve salem and baem olketa spesol ston olsem. Olsem example, long datfala taem olketa long Egypt savve tekem olketa spesol ston from olketa farawe ples olsem Iran, Afghanistan, and maet long India. Long olketa mine long Egypt, pipol savve faendem samfala difren kaen spesol ston. Olketa king long Egypt kontrolem olketa mine long olketa area wea olketa rulim. Job hem storyim wei wea pipol savve digim olketa hol for trae faendem olketa spesol ston olsem, sapphire and topaz.—Job 28:1-11, 19.

Buk bilong Exodus storyim wei wea olketa Israelite “tekem evri [expensive] samting from olketa long Egypt” taem olketa lusim datfala ples. (Exodus 12:35, 36) So maet olketa Israelite tekem olketa spesol ston from olketa long Egypt for mekem datfala paos long chest bilong hae priest.

Why nao olketa iusim wine olsem medicine long taem bilong Bible?

Long wanfala parabol bilong Jesus hem story abaotem wanfala man wea olketa man for steal killim hem nogud. Jesus sei man long Samaria nao helpem hem and “kapsaetem oil and wine” long olketa garekil bilong hem and bandagem hem. (Luke 10:30-34) Taem Paul raet long fren bilong hem Timothy, hem sei: “No drinkim wata nomoa, bat drinkim lelebet wine for bele bilong iu and for helpem iu bikos iu sik olowe.” (1 Timothy 5:23) For iusim wine olsem Jesus and Paul storyim, waswe datwan savve helpem man wea sik?

Datfala buk Ancient Wine sei, wine savve mekem body no soa tumas, olketa savve iusim for klinim garekil, and olketa nara samting saed long medicine. Long taem bifor, olketa long Egypt, Mesopotamia and Syria savve iusim wine olsem medicine. Datfala buk The Oxford Companion to Wine hem sei, wine “hem firstfala medicine wea pipol raet abaotem.” Datfala buk The Origins and Ancient History of Wine agree witim advaes wea Paul talem long Timothy. Hem sei: “Wine savve kwiktaem killim dae olketa nogud samting wea savve mekem man sik, and savve killim dae olketa samting wea mekem man for garem typhoid (wanfala nogud sik).” Olketa savveman wea duim research tu sei samfala long olketa 500 difren samting wea stap insaed wine, olketa savve iusim olsem medicine.


^ par. 3 Distaem iumi no barava savve long nem bilong evri ston hia.

[Piksa long page 26]

Olketa wakaman purubutim grape, from cave bilong Nakht, THebes, Egypt

[Credit Line]

Gianni Dagli Orti/The Art Archive at Art Resource, NY