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Does God Really Care About Women?

Does God Really Care About Women?

“Wanfala woman startim sin, and bikos long hem nao iumi evriwan dae.”​—ECCLESIASTICUS, MEK-TU CENTURY B.C.E.

“Iu nao Devil iusim for switim olketa man: iu nao first wan for kaikaim frut bilong tree wea God tambuim: iu nao first wan for brekem law bilong God . . . Iu nao leadim firstfala man for sin.”​—TERTULLIAN, ON THE APPAREL OF WOMEN, MEK-TU CENTURY C.E.

OLKETA toktok hia no kam from Bible. Bat for plande handred year, pipol iusim olketa toktok hia for sapotim wei for ting daonem olketa woman. Nomata distaem, samfala pipol wea agree witim olketa idea olsem iusim toktok from samfala buk bilong religion for sapotim wei for treatim nogud olketa woman, and sei olketa woman nao kosim olketa problem bilong iumi evriwan. Waswe, iu tingse God laekem olketa man for treatim nogud olketa woman? Wanem nao Bible talem?

Waswe, God cursim olketa woman?

Nomoa. “Datfala snek bilong bifor kam wea nem bilong hem Devil” nao God hem “cursim.” (Revelation 12:9; Genesis 3:14) Taem God sei Adam bae “bossim” waef bilong hem, datwan no showimaot God laekem olketa man for bossim woman. (Genesis 3:16) Hem talem nomoa nogud samting wea bae kamaot from sin wea Adam and Eve duim.

So wei for spoelem olketa woman hem no samting wea God laekem bat hem kamaot from iumi evriwan sin. Bible no sapotim disfala idea bilong samfala pipol wei sei, for stretem datfala first sin hem fitim for olketa man bossim olketa woman.—Rome 5:12.

Taem God wakem man and woman, waswe, hem laekem man for important winim woman?

Nomoa. Genesis 1:27 storyim wei wea God wakem man and woman for showimaot olketa wei bilong hem. Nomata Adam and Eve difren long feeling and body, tufala garem sem raet and God givim sem waka for tufala duim.—Genesis 1:28-31.

Bifor God wakem Eve, hem sei: “Mi bae wakem samwan for helpem [Adam] wea barava fitim hem.” (Genesis 2:18) Waswe, datfala toktok “barava fitim” hem minim man hem important winim woman? Nomoa. Long Hebrew languis disfala toktok “barava fitim” olketa savve transleitim olsem “waka tugeta.” Tingim tufala doctor wea waka tugeta. Wanfala doctor hem duim operation (surgeon) and nara doctor savve nilam man for sleep (anesthetist). For datfala operation gohed gud, evritaem tufala mas waka tugeta. Nomata surgeon nao duim operation, waswe, hem nao important winim anesthetist? Maet nomoa. Long sem wei, God wakem man and woman for waka tugeta and no trae for winim narawan.—Genesis 2:24.

Wanem nao showimaot God tingim olketa woman?

From God luksavve wanem olketa man wea sin bae duim, hem talem bae hem protectim olketa woman. Insaed long buk, La Bible au féminin (The Bible in the Feminine Gender) wea Laure Aynard raetem, hem storyim Law wea God givim long Moses long mek-16 century B.C.E. Hem sei: “Taem datfala Law storyim woman, klosap evritaem hem defendim woman.”

Olsem example, datfala Law hem sei for mas respectim dadi, and mami tu. (Exodus 20:12; 21:15, 17) Law hem sei for protectim olketa woman wea babule. (Exodus 21:22) Olketa law hia bilong God wea protectim raet bilong olketa woman, hem barava difren from olketa law long staka ples long world distaem, wea no protectim raet bilong olketa woman. Bae iumi storyim samfala samting moa insaed datfala Law.

Law Hem Showimaot Tingting Bilong God Abaotem Olketa Woman

Law wea Jehovah God givim long nation bilong Israel barava helpem olketa for stap healthy, duim stret samting, and gohed fren gud witim Jehovah. Sapos olketa gohed for lisin long God and obeyim law bilong hem, datfala nation bae kasem staka blessing wea olketa nara nation no kasem. (Deuteronomy 28:1, 2) Wanem nao datfala Law talem abaotem olketa woman? Tingim olketa samting hia.

1. Olketa woman free for disaedem samting. Olketa Israelite woman free for disaedem samting, wea no olsem olketa woman long plande nara nation bifor. Nomata hasband nao hed long famili, Israelite woman savve ‘lukluk long wanfala pis land, baem’ and ‘plantim wanfala grape planteison,’ and hasband trustim hem for duim datwan. Sapos hem savve hao for wakem kaleko, hem savve ranem bisnis bilong hemseleva. (Proverbs 31:11, 16-19) Law bilong Moses givim raet long olketa woman, wea datwan showimaot God ting long olketa woman important olsem olketa man tu.

Long Israel bifor, olketa woman savve fren gud witim God tu. Bible storyim Hannah wea prea long God abaotem samting wea hem wari abaotem and hemseleva mekem wanfala promis long God. (1 Samuel 1:11, 24-28) Wanfala woman from Shunem savve go olowe for worship long Sabbath and hem savve askem advaes from profet Elisha. (2 Kings 4:22-25) God iusim olketa woman olsem Deborah and Huldah for talemaot toktok bilong hem. And nomata olketa bigman and olketa priest olketa askem advaes from olketa woman hia.—Judges 4:4-8; 2 Kings 22:14-16, 20.

2. Woman savve kasem education. From olketa woman tu insaed long datfala Law agreement, olketa savve go for lisin taem olketa readim Law. Datwan givim chance for olketa lane. (Deuteronomy 31:12; Nehemiah 8:2, 8) Olketa savve kasem training tu for duim samfala samting saed long worship. Olsem example, luk olsem samfala woman duim “waka wea followim arrangement” long tabernacle, and olketa narawan singsing long choir witim olketa man.—Exodus 38:8; 1 Chronicles 25:5, 6.

Staka woman savve hao for ranem gud bisnis. (Proverbs 31:24) Olketa Israelite mami savve helpem dadi for teachim boy bilong olketa. Datwan hem difren from olketa nara nation long datfala taem wea dadi nomoa savve teachim olketa boy. (Proverbs 31:1) So hem klia, olketa woman long Israel bifor kasem education.

3. Respectim olketa woman. Wanfala law long datfala Ten Komandment talem stret: “Respectim dadi and mami bilong iu.” (Exodus 20:12) Long wanfala proverb wea wise King Solomon talem, hem sei: “Son bilong mi, lisin long advaes bilong dadi bilong iu, and no forgetim wanem mami bilong iu teachim iu.”—Proverbs 1:8.

Long Law bilong Moses hem garem tu olketa law abaotem hao olketa man and woman shud deal witim tufala, and for showimaot respect long olketa woman. (Leviticus 18:6, 9; Deuteronomy 22:25, 26) Wanfala gud hasband mas tingim waef taem hem babule or taem hem kasem sik bilong woman and hem mas tingim waef no strong olsem hem.—Leviticus 18:19.

4. Jehovah protectim raet bilong olketa woman. Bible storyim Jehovah olsem “Dadi bilong olketa boy wea no garem dadi and judge bilong olketa widow woman.” Diswan minim Jehovah nao protectim raet bilong olketa wea no garem dadi or hasband. (Psalm 68:5; Deuteronomy 10:17, 18) Dastawe, taem wanfala man askem bak kaon and treatim nogud waef bilong wanfala profet wea dae finis, Jehovah duim mirakol for datfala widow woman mekem hem savve gohed for laef and pipol respectim hem.—2 Kings 4:1-7.

Bifor olketa Israelite go insaed Promis Land, wanfala dadi long Israel, Zelophehad hem dae and no garem eni boy. So faevfala dota bilong hem askem Moses for givim long olketa “eni samting” long Promis Land. Jehovah givim olketa samting wea winim wanem olketa askem. Hem talem Moses: “Givim long olketa evri samting wea dadi bilong olketa kasem from laen bilong hem, wea stap witim olketa samting wea olketa brata bilong dadi bilong olketa ownim.” Start long datfala taem, olketa woman long Israel and olketa pikinini bilong olketa savve kasem samting wea dadi bilong olketa ownim.—Numbers 27:1-8.

Olketa Idea wea Mekem Pipol Tingse God Ting Daonem Woman

Law bilong Moses protectim raet bilong olketa woman and olketa shud kasem respect. Nomata olsem, start long mek-foa century B.C.E., olketa Jew start for followim wei bilong olketa Greek for ting daonem olketa woman.—Lukim box “Olketa Raeting Long Bifor Showimaot Wei for Ting Daonem Olketa Woman.”

Olsem example, Hesiod, man bilong Greece wea raetem olketa poem long mek-eit century B.C.E., hem blamem olketa woman for evri problem wea evriwan kasem. Wanfala poem bilong hem sei olketa woman danger tumas and mek trabol for olketa man. Olketa Jew wea stap long mek-tu century B.C.E. start for followim datfala idea. Talmud, wanfala holy buk bilong olketa Jew wea olketa start iusim long mek-tu century, talem disfala warning for olketa man: “No story tumas witim olketa woman bikos datwan bae leadim iu for durong.”

For plande handred year bihaen datwan, disfala wei for no trustim olketa woman barava affectim wanem olketa woman savve duim insaed community bilong olketa Jew. Long taem bilong Jesus, olketa stopem finis olketa woman for go insaed samfala area long temple. Olketa savve go insaed Kot bilong Olketa Woman nomoa. Olketa man nomoa savve kasem education saed long religion and luk olsem olketa woman no savve sidaon witim olketa man long olketa sinagog. Datfala Talmud storyim wanfala Rabbi (Teacher) wea sei hem rong for eniwan teachim dota bilong hem datfala Torah [Law]. From olketa bigman bilong Jew religion mekem pipol for tingse hem nao tingting bilong God abaotem olketa woman, datwan mekem staka man for no respectim olketa woman.

Taem Jesus stap long earth, hem lukim olketa nogud samting olsem wea olketa man duim long olketa woman, wea datwan hem barava followim kastom bilong man. (Matthew 15:6, 9; 26:7-11) Waswe, olketa kastom olsem affectim wei wea Jesus deal witim olketa woman? Wanem nao iumi savve lanem from hao Jesus deal witim olketa woman and tingting bilong hem abaotem olketa? Waswe, teaching bilong olketa tru Christian helpem olketa woman? Next article bae ansarem olketa kwestin hia.