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Ansa for Olketa Bible Kwestin

Ansa for Olketa Bible Kwestin

Hu nao creatim Devil?

God no creatim Devil. Bat God creatim angel wea bihaen nao hem kamap Devil, wea nara nem bilong hem Satan. Samting wea Jesus talem showimaot hao firstaem Devil talem tru samting and duim stret samting. So long firstaem hem wanfala angel bilong God wea raeteous.—Readim John 8:44.

Wanem nao mekem gudfala angel kamap Devil?

Angel wea kamap Devil disaed for againstim God and switim Adam and Eve for saedem hem. So hem nao mekem hemseleva kamap Satan wea minim “man for againstim man.”—Readim Genesis 3:1-5; Revelation 12:9.

Datfala angel wea kamap Devil savve disaed for duim stret samting or nomoa, olsem olketa nara angel and man wea God creatim. Bat hem laekem olketa narawan for worshipim hem. Gogo samting wea hem laekem mekem hem for no duim nao wanem God laekem.—Readim Matthew 4:8, 9; James 1:13, 14.

Wanem nao Devil gohed duim for spoelem pipol? Waswe, iu shud fraetem hem? Iu savve faendem ansa for olketa kwestin hia long Bible.