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Moses Garem Strong Faith

Moses Garem Strong Faith


Bible sei man wea garem “faith” hem garem kliafala pruv long samting wea hem bilivim. Man wea garem faith long God bilivim God bae mekem evri promis bilong hem kamap tru.


Olketa samting wea Moses disaedem showimaot hem bilivim olketa promis bilong God bae kamap tru. (Genesis 22:15-18) Nomata hem savve garem rich living long Egypt, hem “willing for safa witim pipol bilong God winim wei for duim sin wea savve mekem man hapi for lelebet taem nomoa.” (Hebrew 11:25) Waswe, hem kwiktaem disaedem datwan and bihaen hem sorre long disison wea hem mekem? Nomoa. Bible sei Moses “gohed strong bikos hem olsem hem lukim God wea no eniwan savve lukim.” (Hebrew 11:27) Moses nating sorre long wanem hem disaedem bikos hem garem faith hao evri promis bilong God bae kamap tru.

Moses trae for helpem olketa narawan for garem strong faith long God. Tingim samting wea happen taem hem luk olsem olketa Israelite no wei nao bikos army bilong Pharaoh long wansaed and Red Sea long narasaed. Olketa Israelite fraet fogud bikos olketa tingse olketa bae dae nao, so olketa krae long Jehovah and long Moses for helpem olketa. Wanem nao Moses duim?

Maet Moses no savve God bae divaedem Red Sea for mekem olketa Israelite ranawe from army bilong Pharaoh. Bat Moses bilivim God bae duim samting for protectim pipol bilong Hem. And Moses laekem olketa Israelite tu for bilivim datwan. Bible sei: “Moses sei long olketa pipol: ‘No fraet. Standap kwaet and lukim wei wea Jehovah bae sevem iufala tuday.’” (Exodus 14:13) Waswe, Moses helpem olketa Israelite for garem strong faith? Barava nao! Bible sei: “From olketa Israelite garem faith, olketa katkros long Red Sea olsem olketa wakabaot long drae ples nomoa.” (Hebrew 11:29) From Moses garem strong faith, datwan helpem hem and olketa narawan wea luksavve hem important for garem faith long Jehovah.


Iumi savve followim example bilong Moses and disaedem samting wea showimaot iumi bilivim God bae duim wanem hem promisim. Olsem example, God promis for givim wanem iumi needim sapos main samting long laef bilong iumi hem for worshipim hem. (Matthew 6:33) Plande pipol mekhae tumas long wei for garem olketa material samting, so hem isi nomoa for iumi tu followim olketa. Bat sapos iumi traem best for worshipim Jehovah and garem simpol laef, Jehovah bae givim evri samting wea iumi needim. Hem promis olsem: “Bae mi nating lusim iu.”—Hebrew 13:5.

Iumi tu trae for helpem olketa narawan for garem strong faith. Olsem example, dadi and mami wea wise helpem pikinini for garem faith long God. Tufala mas teachim pikinini taem hem smol yet for savve God hem stap and hem nao teachim iumi wanem hem stret and no stret. Tufala mas helpem pikinini tu for minim and bilivim hem bae kasem gud samting sapos hem followim wanem Jehovah talem. (Isaiah 48:17, 18) Taem dadi and mami helpem pikinini for bilivim God “hem stap and bae givim olketa gud samting long olketa wea barava lukaotem hem,” hem olsem tufala givim nambawan present long pikinini.—Hebrew 11:6, Holy Bible—Easy-to-Read Version.