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“The Insight of a Man Certainly Slows Down His Anger”

“The Insight of a Man Certainly Slows Down His Anger”

Wanfala skul sakem basketball coach bikos hem no kontrolem kros bilong hem.

Wanfala pikinini krae and faetem mami bikos hem no kasem samting wea hem laekem.

Wanfala mami and boy bilong hem raoa bikos hem nating stretem rum bilong hem.

IUMI evriwan lukim finis pipol taem olketa kros, and samfala taem iumiseleva tu savve feel kros long narawan. Maet long tingting bilong iumi, wei for kros hem nogud samting. Nomata olsem, taem iumi kros maet iumi tingse iumi garem gudfala reason for feel olsem, especially sapos samwan duim samting wea long tingting bilong iumi hem no stret. Wanfala article wea American Psychological Association pablisim sei “hem stret nomoa and hem gud samting for man kros.”

Maet samfala pipol tingse samting wea datfala article storyim hem stret nomoa taem olketa readim wanem aposol Paul raetem long Bible. Paul luksavve samfala taem pipol bae kros, dastawe hem sei: “Maet iufala kros, bat iufala mas no sin. Iufala mas finis for kros bifor sun hem go daon.” (Ephesus 4:26) So waswe, hem stret for iumi aotem kros bilong iumi long narawan, or iumi shud kontrolem kros bilong iumi?


Taem Paul talem datfala kaonsel long Ephesus 4:26 maet hem tingim disfala toktok bilong man wea raetem psalm: “Sapos iu kros, iu mas no sin.” (Psalm 4:4) Wanem nao Paul minim taem hem talem datfala toktok long Ephesus 4:26? Hem explainim diswan taem hem sei: “Lusim kaen wei for feel nogud and laek pei bak. Lusim tu, wei for kros, singaot, tok nogud, and evri samting wea savve spoelem narawan.” (Ephesus 4:31) So Paul hem no encouragem olketa Christian for kros, bat hem laekem olketa for lusim kros. Interesting samting, datfala article wea American Psychological Association pablisim sei tu: “Olketa wea duim research faendemaot taem man aotem kros bilong hem long narawan datwan no mekem hem lusim kros and hem no helpem man . . . for stretem problem.”

So wanem nao savve helpem iumi for “lusim” wei for kros, and no kasem olketa nogud samting wea kamaot from datwan? Wise King Solomon hem sei: “Wei for luksavve hem helpem man for no kros kwiktaem, and man wea no tingim moa rong wea narawan duim, hem duim gudfala samting.” (Proverbs 19:11) Hao nao “wei for luksavve” hem helpem man taem hem start for feel kros?


Wei for luksavve helpem man for ting raonem samting wea happen, why datwan hem happen, and wanem nao savve kamaot from datwan. Hao nao diswan savve helpem iumi taem narawan mekem iumi feel nogud?

Taem iumi lukim samwan duim samting wea no stret long narawan, maet datwan mekem iumi kros. Bat sapos iumi followim nomoa feeling bilong iumi and duim samting from iumi kros, maet iumi spoelem iumiseleva, narawan, and wei wea iumi fren witim God tu. Diswan hem olsem fire wea savve bonem wanfala haos sapos man no stopem. So taem iumi start for feel kros long samwan, hem gud for ting raonem samting wea happen. Datwan bae helpem iumi for minim why nao datfala samting hem happen, and for kontrolem kros bilong iumi.

Olsem example, tingim samting wea happen long King David, dadi bilong Solomon. David and olketa man bilong hem protectim olketa sheepsheep bilong Nabal long wilderness long Judea. Taem Nabal redi for katemaot wool long olketa sheepsheep bilong hem, David askem Nabal for givim samfala kaikai long olketa. Bat Nabal sei: “Waswe, mi mas tekem bred bilong mi and wata bilong mi and meat bilong animal bilong mi wea mi busarem finis for olketa wakaman bilong mi and givim long olketa man wea mi nating savve wea nao olketa kam from?” Nabal nating showimaot respect! Taem David herem samting wea Nabal talem, hem tekem 400 man bilong hem and olketa go nao for killim dae Nabal and famili bilong hem.—1 Samuel 25:4-13.

Waef bilong Nabal, Abigail, herem samting wea happen and go for meetim David. Taem Abigail kasem David and olketa man bilong hem, hem baodaon long David and sei: “Plis herem toktok bilong slave gele bilong iu, and samting wea slave gele bilong iu laek for talem long iu.” Then Abigail talem David hao Nabal hem wanfala iusles man nomoa, and hem sei sapos David pei bak and killim dae Nabal, bae hem sorre bihaen.—1 Samuel 25:24-31.

Hao nao samting wea Abigail talem hem helpem David for daonem kros bilong hem? Firstfala samting, David luksavve Nabal hem wanfala iusles man nomoa. Mek-tu samting, David luksavve sapos hem killim dae Nabal, hem bae fit for dae tu. Maet iu tu feel olsem David, and iu kros fogud long wanfala samting wea happen. Wanem nao iu shud duim? Wanfala article wea Mayo Clinic raetem abaotem wei for kontrolem kros hem sei: “Bifor iu duim eni samting iu brith big and then iu kaont wan go kasem ten.” Ting raonem why nao datfala problem hem happen and nogud samting wea maet kamaot sapos iu no kontrolem kros bilong iu. Tru nao, wei for luksavve savve daonem or finisim kros.—1 Samuel 25:32-35.

Bible helpem staka pipol distaem tu for kontrolem kros bilong olketa. Sebastian sei taem hem 23 year and stap long wanfala prison long Poland, hem studyim Bible and datwan helpem hem for kontrolem kros bilong hem. Hem sei: “First samting wea mi duim, mi ting raonem datfala problem. Then, mi trae for followim wanem Bible talem abaotem datwan. Advaes long Bible nao hem best wan.”

Sapos iu followim wanem Bible talem datwan savve helpem iu for kontrolem kros bilong iu

Setsuo tu duim sem samting. Hem sei: “Long bifor hem wei bilong mi for shaotem olketa narawan wea mi waka witim taem mi kros long olketa. Bat taem mi lanem wanem Bible talem, winim wei for tok big mi savve tingting olsem firstaem: ‘Hu nao rong? Waswe, mi nao kosim datfala problem?’” Taem hem ting raonem olketa samting olsem, datwan helpem hem for kontrolem kros bilong hem.

Feeling for kros hem savve barava strong, bat kaonsel from Bible savve helpem iu. Sapos iu followim wanem Bible talem and prea long God, datwan bae helpem iu for no kros kwiktaem and for kontrolem kros bilong iu.