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Anxiety About Family

Anxiety About Family

Janet sei: “No longtaem bihaen dadi bilong mi hem dae, hasband bilong mi talem hem frenim nara woman. No longtaem bihaen, hem tekem olketa kaleko bilong hem and hem go nao. Hem no baebae long mi and tufala pikinini bilong mifala tu.” Janet faendem waka, bat pei wea hem kasem hem no fitim for hem peim bak loan for haos bilong olketa. Hem kasem hard taem saed long selen and hem garem olketa nara problem tu. Hem sei: “Mi wari tumas abaotem hao mi bae lukaftarem gud famili bilong mi. Taem mi lukim olketa nara parents provaedem staka samting for pikinini bilong olketa, mi savve feel sorre bikos mi no savve duim olsem for tufala pikinini bilong mi. Mi savve tingim hao nao bae pipol ting long mi and olketa pikinini bilong mi. Waswe, olketa ting olsem mi no traem best for strongim marit bilong mitufala?”


Wei for prea helpem Janet for kontrolem feeling bilong hem and for fren gud witim God. Hem sei: “Long naet mi faendem hem hard tumas bikos mi savve tingting tumas abaotem olketa problem bilong mi. Bat wei for prea and readim Bible helpem mi for sleep. Mi laekem disfala scripture long Philippi 4:6, 7, wea sei: ‘Iufala mas no wari abaotem eni samting bat long eni samting wea iufala needim, askem God for datwan long wei for prea long hem witim wei for barava askem help bilong hem and for talem thankiu tu. Taem iufala duim olsem, peace bilong God wea winim nao wanem man savve minim bae gaedem heart and tingting bilong iufala.’ Staka naet mi prea long Jehovah and hem helpem mi for garem peace.”

Long Sermon long Maunten, Jesus sei: “Dadi bilong iufala hem savve finis long wanem iufala needim bifor iufala askem hem.” (Matthew 6:8) Datwan comfortim iumi bikos iumi savve prea long Jehovah abaotem eni samting wea iumi warim. Wei for prea savve helpem iumi for “fren gud witim God.” Taem iumi fren gud witim hem, ‘bae hem fren gud witim iumi.’—James 4:8.

Wei for storyim feeling bilong iumi long Jehovah savve mekem iumi feel gud and no wari tumas. And tu, from Jehovah hem God wea “herem prea,” hem bae duim samting for helpem olketa wea garem faith long hem. (Psalm 65:2) Dastawe Jesus talem olketa disaepol for “mas prea evritaem and no givap.” (Luke 18:1) Iumi mas gohed askem God for helpem and leadim iumi, and trustim hem for ansarem prea bilong iumi bikos long faith bilong iumi. Wei for “prea evritaem” showimaot iumi garem strongfala faith.—1 Thessalonica 5:17.


Wanem nao iumi savve duim for garem faith? Iumi “mas lane” abaotem God. (John 17:3) Iumi duim olsem taem iumi studyim Bible for savve long tingting hem. Hem savve long iumi wanwan and hem laek helpem iumi. Bat wei for garem faith long God hem minim tu for fren gud witim hem. Hem tek taem for savve gud long wanfala man gogo hem kamap gudfala fren bilong iumi. Olsem tu, faith bilong iumi bae isisi “kamap moa strong” taem iumi gohed for lane abaotem God, ‘duim olketa samting wea hem laekem,’ and luksavve hem barava helpem iumi. (2 Corinth 10:15; John 8:29) Janet no wari tumas bikos hem garem kaen faith olsem long God.

Janet sei: “Jehovah no lusim mi long evri hard taem wea kasem mi. Datwan hem barava strongim faith bilong mi. Samfala taem samting wea no stret hem happen wea mekem mifala tingse mifala no wei nao. Taem mi prea long Jehovah hem evritaem helpem mi long wei wea mi no tingim. Taem mi talem thankiu long hem, datwan helpem mi for tingim staka gud samting wea hem duim for mi. Hem evritaem helpem mifala long taem wea mifala barava needim datwan. And mi garem olketa gudfala fren wea lovem Jehovah. Olketa evritaem helpem mi and showimaot gudfala example for tufala pikinini bilong mi followim.” *

“Mi savve why Jehovah sei long Malachi 2:16, ‘hem heitim wei for divorce.’ Wanem hasband bilong mi duim hem barava spoelem mi. Hasband bilong mi lusim mifala for staka year finis, nomata olsem, samfala taem mi lonely and feel iusles. Taem mi feel olsem, mi duim samting for helpem narawan wea datwan evritaem helpem mi tu.” Janet followim advaes long Bible for no stap seleva olowe, so datwan helpem hem for no wari tumas. *Proverbs 18:1.

God hem “dadi bilong olketa wea no garem dadi and hem protectim olketa widow woman.”—Psalm 68:5

Janet sei: “Taem mi luksavve God hem ‘dadi bilong olketa wea no garem dadi and hem protectim olketa widow woman,’ datwan barava comfortim mi. Hem bae no lusim mifala olsem wanem hasband bilong mi duim.” (Psalm 68:5) Janet savve God no “duim nogud samting” long iumi. Bat hem “kaen tumas” for givim wisdom long evriwan and hem givim “strong wea winim strong bilong man” for helpem iumi for no wari tumas.—James 1:5, 13; 2 Corinth 4:7.

Bat wanem nao iumi savve duim sapos iumi wari abaotem samting wea mekem laef bilong iumi stap long danger?

^ par. 10 For kasem samfala information moa abaotem hao for deal witim wari, lukim article “Are You in Control of Your Life?” long July 2015 Awake! wea stap online long