Hao, Earth Bae Distroe?
Ansa from Bible
Nomoa, planet Earth bae no enitaem distroe, bone lo fire, or iumi garem niu planet for changem earth. Bible teachim dat God wakem earth for pipol stap lo hem for olowe.
“Bae olketa stretfala pipol i onam lan wea [Jehovah] hemi bin promisim fo olketa, an bae olketa stap long hem olowe.”—Sams 37:29.
“[God] bin mekem strong faondesin blong disfala wol, an bae hemi no save muv.”—Sams 104:5.
“Earth bae stap for olowe.”—Ecclesiastes 1:4, New World Translation.
“Hemi mekem tu disfala wol fo hemi strong, an hemi save stap longtaem. Hemi no mekem disfala wol fo stap nating, hemi mekem fo pipol i stap long hem.”—Aesaea 45:18.
Hao, bae olketa man spoelem earth?
God bae no letem olketa man for barava spoelem earth from pollution, olketa war, or bikos lo eni nara samting. Bat hem bae “finisim olketa wea spoelem earth.” (Revelation 11:18) Hao nao bae hem duim datwan?
God bae changem olketa gavman lo world, wea no savve protectim earth, witim perfect Kingdom blo hem lo heven. (Daniel 2:44; Matthew 6:9, 10) Son blo God, Jesus Christ nao bae rulim datfala Kingdom. (Aesaea 9:6, 7) Taem Jesus stap lo earth, hem duim olketa mirakol for kontrolem olketa natural samting lo earth. (Mark 4:35-41) Taem Jesus hem rul, hem bae kontrolem evri samting lo earth and olketa natural samting lo hem. Hem bae wakem bak or mekem olketa samting lo earth niu moa, olsem hem stap lo garden lo Eden.—Matthew 19:28; Luke 23:43.
Waswe, Bible sei earth bae bone lo fire?
Nomoa. Pipol garem idea hia bikos olketa no minim stret wanem 2 Peter 3:7 storyim, wea sei: “God hem markem skae and earth wea stap distaem for mas finis long fire.” Tingim tufala important point wea helpem iumi minim datfala verse:
Lo Bible, olketa word “skae,” “earth,” and “fire” savve minim plande samting. Olsem example, Genesis 11:1, New World Translation sei: “Full earth hem toktok lo wan languis nomoa.” Lo hia, “earth” hem minim olketa pipol.
Olketa nara verse raonem 2 Peter 3:7 helpem iumi for savve wat nao skae, earth, and fire minim. Verse 5 and 6 tok abaotem samting wea happen lo Flood lo taem blo Noah. Lo datfala taem, world hem distroe, bat no disfala planet. Flood hem killim dae pipol wea raf tumas, wea olketa nao “earth.” (Genesis 6:11, New World Translation) Hem distroem tu “skae,” wea datwan minim olketa man wea rul ovarem pipol lo datfala taem. So olketa wicked pipol nao distroe, no disfala planet. Noah and famili blo hem stap sef taem datfala world finis and olketa stap lo earth bihaen lo Flood.—Jenesis 8:15-18.
Olsem wata hem distroem pipol lo taem blo Flood, “fire,” wea minim wei for distroe wea 2 Peter 3:7 storyim hem minim olketa wicked pipol bae finis, no disfala planet Earth. God promisim “wanfala niu skae and wanfala niu earth” wea “evri samting bae raeteous.” (2 Peter 3:13) Wanfala “niu skae” wea minim niu wei for rul, datfala Kingdom blo God, bae rul ovarem wanfala “niu earth,” wea hem nao pipol wea obeyim God. Anda lo rul blo datfala Kingdom, earth bae kamap paradaes wea evriwan garem peace.—Revelation 21:1-4.