Wat Nao Jesus Duim for Sevem Iumi?
Ansa from Bible
Jesus sevem olketa faithful man and woman taem hem givim laef blo hem olsem ransom sakrifaes. (Matthew 20:28) Dastawe Bible sei Jesus “sevem pipol long world.” (1 John 4:14) Bible sei tu: “Hem nomoa man wea savve sevem iumi bikos no eni man moa long earth hem kasem paoa from God for sevem iumi.”—Acts 4:12.
Jesus “hem dae for evriwan” wea showimaot faith lo hem. (Hebrew 2:9; John 3:16) Then “God mekem hem laef bak,” and Jesus go bak lo heven olsem wanfala spirit. (Acts 3:15) Lo there, Jesus savve “barava sevem tu olketa wea prea long God long nem bilong hem. Hem savve sevem olketa bikos hem stap olowe for hem savve askem God for helpem olketa.”—Hebrew 7:25.
Why nao iumi needim Jesus for askem God for helpem iumi?
Iumi evriwan sin. (Rome 3:23) Sin mekem iumi stap farawe from God, and hem lead go lo dae. (Rome 6:23) Bat Jesus “stap for helpem” olketa wea showimaot faith lo ransom sakrifaes blo hem. (1 John 2:1) From hem givim laef blo hem for olketa, hem askem God for herem prea blo olketa and forgivim sin blo olketa. (Matthew 1:21; Rome 8:34) God lisin lo wanem Jesus askem bikos datwan followim will blo Hem. God sendem Jesus lo earth “for sevem pipol.”—John 3:17.
Hao, hem inaf for biliv nomoa lo Jesus for iumi sev?
Nomoa. Nomata Bible sei iumi mas biliv lo Jesus mekem God sevem iumi, iumi mas duim moa samting. (Acts 16:30, 31) Bible sei: “Body wea no garem laef hem dae finis. Long sem wei, faith bilong man wea no duim gudfala samting hem dae tu.” (James 2:26) For iumi sev, iumi mas:
Lanem abaotem Jesus and Dadi blo hem, Jehovah.—John 17:3.
Garem faith lo tufala.—John 12:44; 14:1.
Showimaot faith blo iumi lo wei for obeyim wanem tufala talem. (Luke 6:46; 1 John 2:17) Jesus sei no evriwan wea kolem hem “Lord” bae sev, bat olketa wea “duim wanem Dadi bilong [hem] long heven laekem” nao bae sev.—Matthew 7:21.
Gohed showimaot faith blo iumi nomata iumi kasem olketa hard taem. Jesus mekhae lo datwan taem hem sei: “Man wea bae sev nao hem man wea no givap go kasem taem world hem finis.”—Matthew 24:13.