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Wanem Nao Bible Talem Abaotem Natural Disaster?

Wanem Nao Bible Talem Abaotem Natural Disaster?

Ansa from Bible

 God no kosim olketa natural disaster wea happen distaem, bat hem tingim pipol wea olketa disaster hia affectim olketa. Natural disaster hem wanfala lo olketa samting wea mekem pipol safa wea Kingdom blo God bae finisim. Nomata olsem, God givim comfort lo olketa wea natural disaster affectim olketa.​—2 Corinth 1:3.

 Why nao iumi sure olketa natural disaster hem no panis from God?

 Olketa natural disaster hem difren from hao God iusim paoa blo nature, olsem Bible story abaotem.

  •   Natural disaster savve killim and spoelem eniwan nomoa. Bat, olketa samting wea God duim taem hem givim judgment olsem Bible storyim, hem for olketa wea duim nogud samting nomoa. For example, taem God distroem taon blo Sodom and Gomorrah, hem sevem datfala gudfala man Lot and tufala dota blo hem. (Genesis 19:29, 30) God lukim heart blo each wan lo datfala taem and hem distroem olketa wea hem luksavve olketa wicked.​—Genesis 18:23-​32; 1 Samuel 16:7.

  •   Bifor natural disaster happen, staka taem pipol no kasem inaf warning, or no eni warning. Bat hao God iusim paoa blo nature for distroem wicked pipol hem difren. Hem mek sure olketa kasem inaf warning firstaem. Pipol wea lisin lo warning garem chance for duim samting and sef.​—Genesis 7:​1-5; Matthew 24:38, 39.

  •   Samfala taem olketa samting wea man duim tu kosim olketa natural disaster. Lo wanem wei? Taem olketa spoelem natural environment and build lo olketa ples wea isi for kasem olketa earthquake, flood, and nogud weather. (Revelation 11:18) God no garem blame for olketa samting wea man duim.​—Proverbs 19:3.

 Waswe, olketa natural disaster hem wanfala saen blo olketa last day?

 Yes, olketa Bible profesi storyim dat olketa disaster bae happen lo taem wea “world hem gogo for finis,” or “olketa last day.” (Matthew 24:3; 2 Timothy 3:1) For example, lo taem blo iumi, Jesus sei: “Olketa taem bilong bigfala hangre bae kasem plande pipol, and olketa earthquake bae sekem staka ples.” (Matthew 24:7) Klosap nao God bae finisim from disfala earth evri samting wea kosim pain, wei for safa and olketa natural disaster tu.​—Revelation 21:​3, 4.

 Wat nao God duim for helpem olketa victim blo natural disaster?

  •   God iusim toktok blo hem lo Bible for comfortim olketa victim. Bible helpem iumi for luksavve dat God tingim iumi and minim feeling blo iumi taem iumi safa. (Isaiah 63:9; 1 Peter 5:​6, 7) Hem storyim tu olketa promis blo God hao wanfala taem olketa natural disaster bae no happen moa.​—Lukim “ Olketa scripture from Bible wea savve comfortim olketa victim blo natural disaster.”

  •   God iusim olketa wea worshipim hem for comfortim olketa victim. God iusim olketa worshiper blo hem lo earth for followim example blo Jesus. Hem profesi abaotem hao Jesus bae comfortim “pipol wea heart blo olketa hem brek” and “evriwan wea sorre.” (Isaiah 61:​1, 2) Olketa wea worshipim God traem best for duim sem samting tu.​—John 13:15.

     God iusim tu olketa worshiper blo hem for provaedem material need for olketa victim blo natural disaster.​—Acts 11:28-30; Galatia 6:​10.

Olketa Jehovah’s Witness provaedem material need for olketa victim blo wanfala cyclone lo Puerto Rico

 Hao, Bible savve helpem iumi for prepare for olketa natural disaster?

 Yes. Nomata Bible hem no wanfala manual wea iumi savve iusim for redi for taem blo disaster, hem garem olketa principle wea savve helpem iumi. For example:

  •   Plan firstaem bifor eni disaster happen. Bible sei “Wise man hem lukim danger and hem haed from datwan.” (Proverbs 22:3) Taem iumi prepare firstaem for wanfala emergency, datwan showimaot iumi wise. Insaed diswan hem for putim tugeta wanfala emergency kit wea redi for taem blo eni emergency and for practice witim famili abaotem wea nao for meet sapos wanfala disaster kamap.

  •   Tingim laef hem important winim material samting. Bible sei: “Taem iumi born kam long disfala world iumi no tekem kam eni samting, and taem iumi dae iumi no tekem go eni samting witim iumi tu.” (1 Timothy 6:​7, 8) Iumi mas willing for lusim haos and evri samting wea iumi onam mekem iumi sef lo taem blo wanfala disaster. Iumi mas remember dat laef blo iumi hem important winim eni material samting wea iumi garem.​—Matthew 6:​25.