Wanem Nao Samfala Samting Mi Shud Savve Abaotem Alcohol?
Bible no sei hem rong for drinkim alcohol, especially sapos iumi balance and age bilong iu hem fitim wanem law long kantri markem. Bat Bible sei hem no stret for man drunk.—Psalm 104:15; 1 Corinth 6:10.
Bat hao sapos olketa narawan trae for forcem iu for drink nomata parents bilong iu no letem iu for drink or age bilong iu no fitim?
Tingim wanem savve happen bihaen iu drink
Samfala young wan tingse sapos olketa no drink, bae olketa no enjoyim datfala hipap nao. Bat wanem nao savve happen bihaen man hem drink?
Kasem trabol saed long law. Long staka ples, sapos iu drinkim alcohol taem age bilong iu no fitim yet, olketa police savve mekem iu peim fine, tekem iu long kot, stopem iu for draev, mekem iu duim waka long community, or putim iu long prison.—Rome 13:3.
Spoelem nem bilong iu. Taem man drink hem savve duim and talem samting wea maet mekem hem sorre bihaen. (Proverbs 23:31-33) From distaem staka pipol iusim social media, maet pipol savve long samting iu duim and diswan savve barava affectim iu.
No fit for protectim iuseleva. Taem iu drinkim tumas alcohol datwan savve mekem hem isi for samwan attakim iu or spoelem iu. And tu, hem savve mekem hem isi for narawan switim iu for duim olketa nara nogud samting or for duim samting wea againstim law.
Kamap addict long alcohol. Samfala sei sapos man hem start for drinkim alcohol taem hem barava young, gogo taem hem big hem savve barava depend long alcohol. Sapos man drink from hem stress, lonely, or boring, maet gogo evritaem hem kasem problem bae hem laek for drink.
Dae. Long United States insaed wanfala year, wanfala man dae evri 52 minute from pipol drink and draev. Insaed wanfala year, winim 1,500 young wan wea anda 21 year olketa dae insaed car accident from wei wea pipol drink and draev. Nomata iuseleva no drinkim alcohol, hem bigfala danger for iu go insaed long trak wea draeva hem drunk.
Disaed wanem iu bae duim
Sapos iu mekem olketa disison firstaem abaotem alcohol datwan savve helpem iu for no kasem olketa nogud samting wea bae kamap from wei for ova tumas long alcohol.
Bible Principle: “Man wea luksavve long samting wea danger hem protectim hemseleva. (Proverbs 22:3) Hem no wise for drinkim alcohol then trae for duim samting wea iu need for garem gudfala tingting for duim datwan. Olsem example, long samfala kantri hem againstim law for drink and draev.
Disison: ‘Sapos mi disaed for drinkim alcohol, bae mi duim long taem wea hem fitim, and bae mi followim law bilong kantri.’
Bible Principle: “Sapos evritaem iufala obeyim wanfala man, iufala slave bilong hem nao.” (Rome 6:16) Sapos iu laek for drinkim alcohol bikos olketa fren bilong iu duim datwan, hem olsem iu letem olketa narawan for kontrolem iu nao. Sapos iu drinkim alcohol bikos iu boring or iu stress, bae iu no savve lane hao for deal witim olketa problem bilong iu long gudfala wei.
Disison: ‘Bae mi no letem olketa narawan forcem mi for drinkim alcohol.’
Bible principle: “No stap witim olketa wea ova tumas for drink.” (Proverbs 23:20) Sapos iu fren witim olketa wea laek for drinkim alcohol evritaem, datwan savve spoelem tingting bilong iu. Taem iu gogo witim olketa wea ova tumas for drinkim alcohol datwan savve spoelem iu.
Disison: ‘Bae mi no fren witim olketa wea ova tumas for drinkim alcohol.’