Maet hem no isi for followim olketa Bible standard, bat gogo hem lead go lo best laef. Lukim hao for duim datwan.
Belief in God
Olketa Young Wan Storyim Why Nao Olketa Bilivim God Hem Stap
Olketa young wan storyim long disfala thri-minute video why nao olketa bilivim wanfala Creator hem stap.
Waswe, Hem Mek Sense for Biliv lo God?
Meetim tufala young pipol wea duim samting abaotem wat tufala daotem and tufala strongim faith blo tufala.
Why Mi Garem Faith—Evolution or Creation
Fabian and Marith explainim hao tufala strongim faith lo biliv blo tufala taem olketa storyim evolution lo skul.
Why Nao Mi Bilivim Wanfala God Hem Stap?
Raetem tingting bilong iu mekem iu savve explainim biliv bilong iu long wei wea showimaot iu no fraet or sorre for wanem iu bilivim.
How to Draw Close to God
Why Nao Mi Shud Prea?
Hao, prea hem samting for mekem man feel gud nomoa, or hem samting wea barava important?
Why Nao Hem Gud for Go lo Olketa Meeting lo Kingdom Hall?
Olketa Jehovah’s Witness garem meeting tufala taem lo week lo ples blo olketa for worship, wea olketa kolem lo Kingdom Hall. Wat nao iu savve lanem lo Kingdom Hall, and wat nao gud samting wea iu savve kasem taem iu kam lo meeting?
Learn From Bible Characters
God Ansarem Prea Bilong Nehemiah
Lane abaotem Nehemiah, and hao God strongim hem taem olketa narawan againstim hem.
Reading and Studying the Bible
Lo Wanem Wei Nao Bible Savve Helpem Mi?
Ansa savve helpem iu for hapi tumas.
Why Mi Garem Faith—Followim Olketa Standard blo God and No blo Mi
Young adults explainim hao olketa avoidim olketa nogud samting wea staka classmates kasem.
Hao Nao Bible Savve Helpem Mi?—Part 1: Savve Gud lo Bible blo Iu
Sapos iu faendem wanfala big old box wea garem olketa expensive samting insaed, bae iu laek for faendaot wat nao insaed, iaman? Bible hem olsem datfala box. Hem garem staka expensive samting insaed.
Hao Nao Bible Savve Helpem Mi?—Part 2: Hao for Enjoyim Bible Reading
Faevfala idea wea iu savve followim mekem Bible interesting.
Growing Spiritually
Hao Nao Mi Savve Trainim Konsens blo Mi?
Konsens blo iu showimaot wanem kaen man nao iu and wanem hem important lo iu. Wanem nao konsens blo iu showimaot abaotem iu?
Hao for Mi Stretem Olketa Mistek blo Mi
Solution no hard tumas olsem maet iu tingim.
Why Mi Garem Faith—Love Winim Injustice
Showim love lo world wea injustice big tumas—wat nao iumi savve duim?
Cameron Garem Laef wea Gud Tumas
Waswe, iu laek for garem laef wea iu satisfae long hem? Lisin taem Cameron storyim hao hem duim samting long laef bilong hem wea barava mekem hem satisfae.