Psalm 32:1-11

  • Happy are the ones forgiven

    • “I confessed my sin to you” (5)

    • God gives you insight (8)

Of David. Masʹkil.* 32  Happy is the one whose transgression is pardoned, whose sin is covered.*+  2  Happy is the man whom Jehovah does not charge with guilt,+In whose spirit there is no deceit.  3  When I kept silent, my bones wasted away because of my groaning all day long.+  4  For day and night your hand* was heavy upon me.+ My strength evaporated* like water in the dry summer heat. (Selah)  5  Finally I confessed my sin to you;I did not cover my error.+ I said: “I will confess my transgressions to Jehovah.”+ And you pardoned the error of my sins.+ (Selah)  6  This is why every loyal one will pray to you+While you may yet be found.+ Then even the floodwaters will not reach him.  7  You are a hiding place for me;You will safeguard me from distress.+ You will surround me with joyful shouts of deliverance.+ (Selah)  8  “I will give you insight and instruct you in the way you should go.+ I will give you advice with my eye upon you.+  9  Do not become like a horse or a mule, without understanding,+Whose spiritedness must be controlled with a bridle or a halterBefore it will come near to you.” 10  Many are the pains of the wicked;But the one trusting in Jehovah is surrounded by His loyal love.+ 11  Rejoice in Jehovah and be joyful, you righteous ones;Shout joyfully, all you who are upright in heart.


Or “forgiven.”
Or “displeasure.”
Or “My life’s moisture changed.”