Effort to Reach the Heart

Effort to Reach the Heart

Proverbs 3:1

SUMMARY: Help your listeners to appreciate what they learn and to act on it.


  • Help your listeners to make a self-examination. Ask rhetorical questions to help people in your audience examine their own feelings.

  • Appeal to good motives. Urge your listeners to analyze why they perform good works. Help them to build the finest motives—love for Jehovah, for fellow humans, and for Bible teachings. Reason with your listeners; do not lecture them. Rather than shaming them, leave them encouraged at the end of your presentation, motivated to do their best.

  • Direct attention to Jehovah. Highlight how Bible teachings, principles, and commands reflect God’s qualities and his love for us. Cultivate in your listeners a desire to consider Jehovah’s feelings and to please him.