What Scientists Cannot Tell Us

What Scientists Cannot Tell Us

Scientists seem to have studied just about every aspect of the known universe. Still, there are many important questions they cannot answer.

Has science established how the universe and life began? The simple answer is no. Some say that a branch of science known as cosmology can explain the origin of the universe. However, a professor of astronomy at Dartmouth College, Marcelo Gleiser, who is agnostic, replies: “We have not explained the origin of the universe at all.”

Similarly, regarding the origin of life, an article in Science News magazine says: “It may be impossible to nail down how life truly began on Earth: Most geologic records of what actually happened during Earth’s earliest days have long disappeared.” Those statements suggest that science has not yet answered the question, How did the universe and life begin?

But you may wonder, ‘If life on earth was designed, who is the designer?’ You may also have asked the following questions: ‘If a wise and loving Creator exists, why would he allow his human creatures to suffer? Why would he allow so many conflicting forms of worship? Why would he allow his worshippers to do so many bad things?’

On its own, science cannot answer those questions. But that does not mean that you cannot find reasonable answers. In fact, many people have found satisfying answers in the Bible.

If you would like to see why some scientists who have taken the time to study the Bible say that they believe in a Creator, visit jw.org. Search for “viewpoints on the origin of life.”