When Life Seems Unbearable

When Life Seems Unbearable

LIFE can be pure bliss​—when all goes well. But what if circumstances make your life seem unbearable?

For instance, Sally, a in the United States, who lost most of her possessions in a hurricane, explains: “I didn’t know how much more I could take. Many days I felt that I was near the breaking point.”

Or what if a loved one dies? Janice, in Australia, says: “When I lost both my sons, I had to gather the fragments of my shattered life and reassemble them as best I could. I begged God: ‘Please, my heart can’t take any more! Just let me sleep. I don’t want to wake up again.’”

Daniel, on the other hand, was devastated when his wife was unfaithful. He explains: “When my wife confessed that she had been unfaithful, it was like a knife pierced my heart. I felt this physical pain stabbing me again and again​—and it lasted several months.”

This issue of The Watchtower will consider how life can be worth living even when

So, first, how can we cope when disaster strikes?

a Some names in this series of articles have been changed.