This issue contains the study articles for September 25 to October 22, 2017.

Are You Willing to Wait Patiently?

Faithful servants of Jehovah of times past asked how long they were going to have to endure trials, yet God did not condemn them for asking.

“The Peace of God . . . Surpasses All Understanding”

Have you wondered why God has allowed certain unexpected trials to arise in your life? If so, what can help you to endure with full confidence in Jehovah?

How We Strip Off and Keep Off the Old Personality

It is one thing to strip off the old personality, yet quite another to keep it off. How can we succeed in doing both, no matter how deeply we may have been involved in wrong practices?

How We Put On and Keep On the New Personality

With Jehovah’s help, you can succeed in becoming the sort of person he wants you to be. Consider, for example, practical ways in which you can display compassion, kindness, humility, and mildness.