This issue contains the study articles for August 5–September 1, 2019

“Look Out That No One Takes You Captive”!

Satan is a master at fooling people. How does he try to influence us and turn us against Jehovah?

Overturn Every Reasoning That Is Against the Knowledge of God!

Our thinking is influenced by our background, culture, and education. How can we root out wrong attitudes that are “strongly entrenched” in our minds?

Rely on Jehovah When Under Stress

Excessive or prolonged stress can harm us physically and emotionally. We can learn much by considering how Jehovah helped his servants in the past deal with stress.

Help Others Deal With Stress

Lot, Job, and Naomi served Jehovah loyally, but they still had to endure stressful times in their lives. What can we learn from their experiences?