Neke ki te tumu manako rikiriki

Au Akakiteanga no te au Opati e te Turoto

Te pati pumaana atu nei matou ia koe kia turoto mai i to matou au opati e te ngai neneianga. Kimi i tetai ngai e te ora no te turoto.


Akamata Akaou te Turoto: Ia Tiunu 1, 2023 e maata te au enua tei akamata akaou i te turoto ki te au opati Betela. Kia kite maata atu, e akakite ki te opati Betela me ka inangaro koe i te turoto. Auraka e aere me e maki COVID-19 toou, te maremare e te flu, e me kua piri ana koe ki tetai tei tuia e te maki COVID-19.



The Bible—The Book and Its Author. This exhibit gives the Author of the Bible, Jehovah God, the honor he deserves and highlights the main theme of the Bible: God’s Kingdom. Visitors can see how the Bible has survived all the way down to our day and how Jehovah has preserved its original message despite the efforts of opposers who have tried to alter it.

Historical Exhibit. This exhibit shows how Jehovah has blessed the Kingdom preaching work in Brazil for over 120 years. Visitors can see recent historical research that has discovered new information about the beginning and growth of the work in Brazil despite opposition and persecution.

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