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Chirurgie cardiotoracică şi vasculară

Evaluarea preoperatorie a pacientului şi a riscului transfuziei

Identifying patients at risk of intraoperative and postoperative transfusion in isolated CABG: toward selective conservation strategies. (se deschide o fereastră nouă)

Arora RC, Légaré JF, Buth KJ, Sullivan JA, Hirsch GM.

Sursă‎: Ann Thorac Surg 2004;78(5):1547-54.

Index‎: PubMed 15511428

DOI‎: 10.1016/j.athoracsur.2004.04.083 (se deschide o fereastră nouă)

Blood loss and transfusion rates associated with transcatheter aortic valve replacement: recommendations for patients who refuse blood transfusion. (se deschide o fereastră nouă)

Binder RK, Barbanti M, Ye J, Toggweiler S, Tan J, Freeman M, Cheung A, Wood DA, Webb JG.

Sursă‎: Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2014;83(6):E221-6.

Index‎: PubMed 24402965

DOI‎: 10.1002/ccd.25389 (se deschide o fereastră nouă)

Association between bleeding events and in-hospital mortality after percutaneous coronary intervention. (se deschide o fereastră nouă)

Chhatriwalla AK, Amin AP, Kennedy KF, House JA, Cohen DJ, Rao SV, Messenger JC, Marso SP; National Cardiovascular Data Registry.

Sursă‎: JAMA 2013;309(10):1022-9.

Index‎: PubMed 23483177

DOI‎: 10.1001/jama.2013.1556 (se deschide o fereastră nouă)

2012 update to the Society of Thoracic Surgeons Guideline on use of antiplatelet drugs in patients having cardiac and noncardiac operations. (se deschide o fereastră nouă)

Ferraris VA, Saha SP, Oestreich JH, Song HK, Rosengart T, Reece TB, Mazer CD, Bridges CR, Despotis GJ, Jointer K, Clough ER.

Sursă‎: Ann Thorac Surg 2012;94(5):1761-81.

Index‎: PubMed 23098967

DOI‎: 10.1016/j.athoracsur.2012.07.086 (se deschide o fereastră nouă)

Relation of the HAS-BLED bleeding risk score to major bleeding, cardiovascular events, and mortality in anticoagulated patients with atrial fibrillation. (se deschide o fereastră nouă)

Gallego P, Roldán V, Torregrosa JM, Gálvez J, Valdés M, Vicente V, Marín F, Lip GY.

Sursă‎: Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol 2012;5(2):312-8.

Index‎: PubMed 22319005

DOI‎: 10.1161/CIRCEP.111.967000 (se deschide o fereastră nouă)

Preoperative anemia is an independent predictor of postoperative mortality and adverse cardiac events in elderly patients undergoing elective vascular operations. (se deschide o fereastră nouă)

Gupta PK, Sundaram A, Mactaggart JN, Johanning JM, Gupta H, Fang X, Forse RA, Balters M, Longo GM, Sugimoto JT, Lynch TG, Pipinos II.

Sursă‎: Ann Surg 2013;258(6):1096-102.

Index‎: PubMed 23511839

DOI‎: 10.1097/SLA.0b013e318288e957 (se deschide o fereastră nouă)

Cardiac surgery in Jehovah's Witness patients: ten-year experience. (se deschide o fereastră nouă)

Jassar AS, Ford PA, Haber HL, Isidro A, Swain JD, Bavaria JE, Bridges CR.

Sursă‎: Ann Thorac Surg 2012;93(1):19-25.

Index‎: PubMed 21978873

DOI‎: 10.1016/j.athoracsur.2011.06.029 (se deschide o fereastră nouă)

Interrelationship of preoperative anemia, intraoperative anemia, and red blood cell transfusion as potentially modifiable risk factors for acute kidney injury in cardiac surgery: a historical multicentre cohort study. (se deschide o fereastră nouă)

Karkouti K, Grocott HP, Hall R, Jessen ME, Kruger C, Lerner AB, MacAdams C, Mazer CD, de Medicis É, Myles P, Ralley F, Rheault MR, Rochon A, Slaughter MS, Sternlicht A, Syed S, Waters T.

Sursă‎: Can J Anaesth 2015;62(4):377-84.

Index‎: PubMed 25537735

DOI‎: 10.1007/s12630-014-0302-y (se deschide o fereastră nouă)

The influence of baseline hemoglobin concentration on tolerance of anemia in cardiac surgery. (se deschide o fereastră nouă)

Karkouti K, Wijeysundera DN, Yau TM, McCluskey SA, van Rensburg A, Beattie WS.

Sursă‎: Transfusion 2008;48(4):666-72.

Index‎: PubMed 18194382

DOI‎: 10.1111/j.1537-2995.2007.01590.x (se deschide o fereastră nouă)

Predictors of transfusion requirements for cardiac surgical procedures at a blood conservation center. (se deschide o fereastră nouă)

Moskowitz DM, Klein JJ, Shander A, Cousineau KM, Goldweit RS, Bodian C, Perelman SI, Kang H, Fink DA, Rothman HC, Ergin MA.

Sursă‎: Ann Thorac Surg 2004;77(2):626-34.

Index‎: PubMed 14759450

DOI‎: 10.1016/S0003-4975(03)01345-6 (se deschide o fereastră nouă)

Aortic valve replacement through a minimally invasive approach: preoperative planning, surgical technique, and outcome. (se deschide o fereastră nouă)

Plass A, Scheffel H, Alkadhi H, Kaufmann P, Genoni M, Falk V, Grünenfelder J.

Sursă‎: Ann Thorac Surg 2009;88(6):1851-6.

Index‎: PubMed 19932248

DOI‎: 10.1016/j.athoracsur.2009.08.015 (se deschide o fereastră nouă)

Major bleeding, transfusions, and anemia: the deadly triad of cardiac surgery. (se deschide o fereastră nouă)

Ranucci M, Baryshnikova E, Castelvecchio S, Pelissero G; Surgical and Clinical Outcome Research (SCORE) Group.

Sursă‎: Ann Thorac Surg 2013;96(2):478-85.

Index‎: PubMed 23673069

DOI‎: 10.1016/j.athoracsur.2013.03.015 (se deschide o fereastră nouă)

Predicting transfusions in cardiac surgery: the easier, the better: the Transfusion Risk and Clinical Knowledge score. (se deschide o fereastră nouă)

Ranucci M, Castelvecchio S, Frigiola A, Scolletta S, Giomarelli P, Biagioli B.

Sursă‎: Vox Sang 2009;96(4):324-32.

Index‎: PubMed 19192264

DOI‎: 10.1111/j.1423-0410.2009.01160.x (se deschide o fereastră nouă)

Impact of preoperative anemia on outcome in adult cardiac surgery: a propensity-matched analysis. (se deschide o fereastră nouă)

Ranucci M, Di Dedda U, Castelvecchio S, Menicanti L, Frigiola A, Pelissero G; Surgical and Clinical Outcome Research (SCORE) Group.

Sursă‎: Ann Thorac Surg 2012;94(4):1134-41.

Index‎: PubMed 22698773

DOI‎: 10.1016/j.athoracsur.2012.04.042 (se deschide o fereastră nouă)

Preparation of the patient for surgery. (se deschide o fereastră nouă)

Seeber P, Shander A.

Sursă‎: In: Basics of Blood Management, Second Edition. Chichester, West Sussex (UK); Wiley-Blackwell; 2013. p. 139-59.

Index‎: ISBN 978-0-470-67070-5 (se deschide o fereastră nouă)

Risk factors for red cell transfusion in adults undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery: a systematic review. (se deschide o fereastră nouă)

Shehata N, Naglie G, Alghamdi AA, Callum J, Mazer CD, Hebert P, Streiner D, Wilson K.

Sursă‎: Vox Sang 2007;93(1):1-11.

Index‎: PubMed 17547559

DOI‎: 10.1111/j.1423-0410.2007.00924.x (se deschide o fereastră nouă)

Factors predicting loss and gain of red cell volume in cardiac surgery patients. (se deschide o fereastră nouă)

Slight RD, Bappu NJ, Nzewi OC, Lee RJ, McClelland DB, Mankad PS.

Sursă‎: Transfus Med 2006;16(3):169-75.

Index‎: PubMed 16764595

DOI‎: 10.1111/j.1365-3148.2006.00663.x (se deschide o fereastră nouă)

Risk factors for red blood cell transfusion after coronary artery bypass graft surgery. (se deschide o fereastră nouă)

van Straten AH, Kats S, Bekker MW, Verstappen F, ter Woorst JF, van Zundert AJ, Soliman Hamad MA.

Sursă‎: J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth 2010;24(3):413-7.

Index‎: PubMed 20231104

DOI‎: 10.1053/j.jvca.2010.01.001 (se deschide o fereastră nouă)

Blood conservation strategies can be applied safely to high-risk complex aortic surgery. (se deschide o fereastră nouă)

Yaffee DW, DeAnda A, Ngai JY, Ursomanno PA, Rabinovich AE, Ward AF, Galloway AC, Grossi EA.

Sursă‎: J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth 2015;29(3):703-9.

Index‎: PubMed 25847415

DOI‎: 10.1053/j.jvca.2014.10.022 (se deschide o fereastră nouă)

Management of blood transfusion in aortic valve surgery: impact of a blood conservation strategy. (se deschide o fereastră nouă)

Yaffee DW, Smith DE 3rd, Ursomanno PA, Hill FT, Galloway AC, Deanda A, Grossi EA.

Sursă‎: Ann Thorac Surg 2014;97(1):95-101.

Index‎: PubMed 24263014

DOI‎: 10.1016/j.athoracsur.2013.09.057 (se deschide o fereastră nouă)