Effort to Reach the Heart

Effort to Reach the Heart

Proverbs 3:1

SUMMARY: Help your listeners to appreciate what they learn and to act on it.


  • Help your listeners to make a self-examination. Ask rhetorical questions to help people in your audience examine their own feelings.

  • Appeal to good motives. Urge your listeners to analyze why they perform good works. Help them to build the finest motives​—love for Jehovah, for fellow humans, and for Bible teachings. Reason with your listeners; do not lecture them. Rather than shaming them, leave them encouraged at the end of your presentation, motivated to do their best.

  • Direct attention to Jehovah. Highlight how Bible teachings, principles, and commands reflect God’s qualities and his love for us. Cultivate in your listeners a desire to consider Jehovah’s feelings and to please him.