This issue contains the study articles for December 3-30, 2018.

1918​—One Hundred Years Ago

The Great War still raged in Europe, but events early in the year seemed to suggest good things for the Bible Students and for the world in general.

Speaking the Truth

Why do people lie, and what are the effects? How can we be truthful with one another?

Teaching the Truth

During the time that we have left to witness, we must focus on teaching people the truth. How can our Teaching Toolbox help us?


Jehovah Richly Blessed My Decision

As a young man, Charles Molohan expanded his ministry by applying for Bethel service. Jehovah has richly blessed him for decades since then.

Put Trust in Our Active Leader​—The Christ

As God’s organization rapidly moves forward, what reasons do we have for trusting in Christ’s leadership?

Maintain Inner Peace Despite Changing Circumstances

When our life takes an unexpected turn, we may face emotional stress. How can “the peace of God” help us?

Did You Know?

Stephen became the first Christian martyr on record. How was he able to remain so calm when being persecuted?