SONG 103

Shepherds​—Gifts in Men

Shepherds​—Gifts in Men

(Ephesians 4:8)

  1. 1. Help in our lives, Jehovah provides,

    Shepherds to tend his flock.

    By their example they serve as guides,

    Showing us how to walk.


    God gives us men who have earned our trust,

    Men who are loyal and true.

    They show concern for his precious sheep;

    Love them for all that they do.

  2. 2. Shepherds who love us care how we feel;

    Gently they guide the way.

    When we are hurt, they help us to heal,

    Kind in the words they say.


    God gives us men who have earned our trust,

    Men who are loyal and true.

    They show concern for his precious sheep;

    Love them for all that they do.

  3. 3. Godly advice and counsel they give,

    That we may never stray.

    Thus they assist us, God’s way to live,

    Serving him ev’ry day.


    God gives us men who have earned our trust,

    Men who are loyal and true.

    They show concern for his precious sheep;

    Love them for all that they do.