How Does It Make You Feel?

How Does It Make You Feel?

(Hebrews 13:15)

  1. 1. How does it make you feel

    when you preach and teach with zeal,

    When you know you’ve done your part

    to reach an honest heart?

    Knowing you’ve done your best;

    then our God will do the rest.

    Honest hearts he surely knows—

    all those to him disposed.


    It makes us glad, and we rejoice

    to give our heart and mind and voice.

    So may our sacrifice of praise

    continue all our days.

  2. 2. How does it make you feel

    when the words you speak appeal

    To the ones whose heart is right

    for everlasting life?

    Some people turn away,

    others might be led astray.

    Still we’re glad to bear his name

    and witness just the same.


    It makes us glad, and we rejoice

    to give our heart and mind and voice.

    So may our sacrifice of praise

    continue all our days.

  3. 3. How does it make you feel,

    knowing God’s support is real,

    And that he’s entrusted you

    to do the work we do?

    Proudly we preach and teach,

    using bold but gracious speech,

    Searching out deserving ones;

    this work will soon be done.


    It makes us glad, and we rejoice

    to give our heart and mind and voice.

    So may our sacrifice of praise

    continue all our days.