Why Is Politics So Divisive?​—⁠What Does the Bible Say?

Why Is Politics So Divisive?​—⁠What Does the Bible Say?

 Political divisions plague nations worldwide. According to a 2022 Pew Research Center survey, “65% of adults across 19 surveyed countries say there are strong or very strong disagreements in their country between people who support different political parties.”

 Have you noticed that the political divide is widening where you live? Why is that? Is there a solution? Consider what the Bible says.

Attitudes that divide

 The Bible predicted that in our time, referred to as “the last days,” many people would have attitudes that make unity impossible to achieve.

  •   “In the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. For men will be lovers of themselves, . . . not open to any agreement.”​—⁠2 Timothy 3:​1-3.

 Despite the best efforts of many people, governments struggle to function effectively. People with opposing viewpoints find it difficult, even impossible, to work together to solve problems. The results confirm what the Bible stated a long time ago.

 However, the Bible points to the solution​—⁠a government led by someone who can eliminate the problems that plague society today.

A qualified leader who cares

 The Bible identifies a leader who is uniquely qualified: Jesus Christ. Jesus has the power, the authority, and the desire to bring unity and peace to all mankind.

  •   “In his days the righteous will flourish, and peace will abound.”​—⁠Psalm 72:⁠7.

  •   “All the nations will serve him.”​—⁠Psalm 72:11.

 Jesus is an ideal leader because he cares about and wants to help people, especially those who have been treated unfairly.

  •   “He will rescue the poor who cry for help, also the lowly one and whoever has no helper. He will have pity on the lowly and the poor, and the lives of the poor he will save. From oppression and from violence he will rescue them.”​—⁠Psalm 72:​12-14.

 Learn more about God’s Kingdom, the heavenly government that Jesus leads. Find out how you can benefit from and support its rulership.

  •   Watch the video What Is God’s Kingdom?

  •   Read the article “God’s Kingdom​—⁠A Government With No Corruption.”