Psalm 141:1-10

  • A prayer for protection

    • “May my prayer be as incense” (2)

    • The righteous one’s reproof like oil (5)

    • The wicked fall into their own nets (10)

A melody of David. 141  O Jehovah, I call on you.+ Come quickly to help me.+ Do pay attention when I call to you.+   May my prayer be as incense+ prepared before you,+My uplifted hands like the evening grain offering.+   Station a guard for my mouth, O Jehovah,Do set a watch over the door of my lips.+   Do not let my heart incline to anything bad,+To share in vile deeds with evil men;May I never feast on their delicacies.   Should the righteous one strike me, it would be an act of loyal love;+Should he reprove me, it would be like oil on my head,+Which my head would never refuse.+ My prayer will continue even during their calamities.   Though their judges are thrown down from the cliff,The people will pay attention to my words, for they are pleasant.   Just as when someone plows and breaks up the soil,So our bones have been scattered at the mouth of the Grave.*   But my eyes look to you, O Sovereign Lord Jehovah.+ In you I have taken refuge. Do not take away my life.*   Protect me from the jaws of the trap they have laid for me,From the snares of evildoers. 10  The wicked will fall into their own nets all together+While I pass by safely.


Or “Sheol,” that is, the common grave of mankind. See Glossary.
Or “pour out my soul.”