Bible Book Introduction Videos

Basic facts about each book of the Bible.

Introduction to Genesis

Genesis gives us important information about mankind’s origin as well as the origin of suffering and death.

Introduction to Exodus

God delivered the Israelites from slavery in Egypt and made them a nation dedicated to him.

Introduction to Leviticus

See how Leviticus describes God’s holiness and why being holy ourselves is so important.

Introduction to Numbers

See how vital it is to obey Jehovah and respect those appointed to take the lead among his people.

Introduction to Deuteronomy

See how Jehovah’s Law to Israel reflected his deep love for his people.

Introduction to Joshua

See how the Israelites conquer and apportion their God-given land.

Introduction to Judges

This action-packed book is named after courageous men of faith whom God used to deliver Israel from oppressors.

Introduction to Ruth

Ruth is about the self-sacrificing love of a young widow for her widowed mother-in-law and how Jehovah rewarded them both.

Introduction to 1 Samuel

See how Israel’s history moves from the period of the Judges to the era of rule by kings.

Introduction to 2 Samuel

See how David’s humility and faith made him one of the most beloved and well-known Bible characters.

Introduction to 1 Kings

Follow Israel through its days of glory and prosperity under King Solomon into the turbulent era of the two kingdoms of Israel and Judah.

Introduction to 2 Kings

See how apostasy blights the northern kingdom of Israel, while Jehovah blesses the few who serve him with a complete heart.

Introduction to 1 Chronicles

Follow the ancestry and the exciting life of God-fearing King David from his enthronement as king of Israel to his death.

Introduction to 2 Chronicles

See how this history of the kings of Judah highlights the value of loyalty to God.

Introduction to Ezra

Jehovah keeps his promises to free his people from exile in Babylon and to restore true worship in Jerusalem.

Introduction to Nehemiah

The Bible book of Nehemiah provides valuable lessons for all true worshippers today.

Introduction to Esther

The dramatic events of Esther’s day will strengthen your faith in Jehovah God’s ability to deliver his people out of trials today.

Introduction to Job

All those who love Jehovah will be tested. The account of Job gives us confidence that we can maintain our integrity and uphold Jehovah’s sovereignty.

Introduction to the Song of Solomon

The unfailing love of the Shulammite girl for a shepherd boy is described as “the flame of Jah.” Why?

Introduction to Isaiah

Isaiah is a book of unerring prophecy that can strengthen your confidence in Jehovah as the Fulfiller of promises and the God of our salvation.

Introduction to Acts of Apostles

Early Christians worked hard to make disciples of people of all nations. The Bible book of Acts can increase your zeal and enthusiasm for the ministry.

Introduction to Ephesians

This inspired letter highlights God’s purpose to bring about peace and unity through Jesus Christ.

Introduction to 1 Thessalonians

We need to stay awake spiritually, “make sure of all things,” “pray constantly,” and encourage one another.

Introduction to 1 Peter

Peter’s first letter encourages us to be active and to throw all our anxieties on God.

Introduction to 2 Peter

Peter’s second letter encourages us to be faithful as we await the new heavens and new earth.

Introduction to 1 John

John’s letter warns us against antichrists and helps us to see what we should and should not love.

Introduction to 2 John

John’s second letter reminds us to keep walking in the truth and to guard against deceivers.

Introduction to 3 John

John’s third letter teaches a beautiful lesson in Christian hospitality.

Introduction to Revelation

The dramatic visions in Revelation indicate how God’s Kingdom will fulfill God’s purpose for mankind and the earth.