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Sposojene fotografije

Sposojene fotografije

Fotografije so navedene po vrstnem redu pojavljanja na straneh

Z dovoljenjem American Museum of Natural History, New York: 58.

Animals Animals/OSF, New York: 143; Animals Animals/Degginger, E. R. 144 (1).

Z dovoljenjem British Museum, London: 210 (1), 213 (1) (2), 219 (1); Posneto z dovoljenjem kuratorja Britanskega muzeja: 210 (2), 213 (3).

Francoski nacionalni muzeji, Louvre, Pariz: 212 (2).

© 1982 Ira Block/THE IMAGE BANK, New York: 12, 13.

Kentucky Department of Travel Development: 67.

Land Management, Bureau of, Washington,, D.C.: 69 (2).

National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, D.C.: 11, 128, 186 (2).

National Archives, Washington, D.C.: 126 (1) (2), 224 (1), 225 (4).

National Park Service, Washington, D.C.: 64 (1) Chukchi Imuruk.

National Zoological Park, Washington, D.C.: 4 (1) i 69 (4) Brandy Clymire.

© Outdoor Pictures, Washington State: 54, 68.

Smithsonian Instituion, Washington, D.C.: 203 (Številka fotografije: 83-2259).

U.S. Fish & Wildlife, Washington, D.C.: 3 (3), 4 (2) William Hartgroves; 63 (2) Dean Biggins, (3) Glen Smart; 64 (2) Dean Biggins, (3) Dan Pfitzer; 68 (4) William Hartgroves; 69 (1) (3) Dean Biggins.

U.S Geological Survey, Washington, D.C.: 225 (1).

Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore: 220.

World Health Organization: 224 (2) W. Cutting W., 225 (2) Eric Schwab.