Zadnja strana
Zadnja strana
▪ 1. My People—The Story of the Jews, Abba Eban, 1984, novo izdanje, strana 107.
▪ 2. New Scientist, 26. maj 1977, strana 478.
▪ 3. Chumash and Rashi’s Commentary, preveo A. M. Silberman, 1985, strana 245.
▪ 4. Ibid, strana 245.
▪ 5. Encyclopaedia Judaica (druga štampa), 1973, tom 7, strana 679.
▪ 6. Lexicon in Veteris Testamenti Libros, Koehler i Baumgartner, 1953, strana 951.
▪ 7. Everyman’s Talmud, A. Cohen, 1949, strana 24.
▪ 8. Encyclopaedia Judaica, 1973, tom 10, strana 390.
▪ 9. The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia, uredio Geoffrey Wigoder, 1977, strana 1330.
▪ 10. The Jewish People and Jesus Christ, Jakób Jocz, 1954, strana 142.
▪ 11. A Jew Today, Elie Wiesel, preveo sa francuskog Morion Wiesel, 1979, strana 13.
▪ 12. Jesus of Nazareth—His Life, Times, and Teaching, Joseph Klausner, preveo H. Danby, 1947, strane 389-390.
▪ 13. Josephus—Jewish War, preveo G. A. Williamson, 1981, strana 167.
▪ Strana 2 (desno): Garo Nalbandian.
▪ Strana 2 (ispod): Pictorial Archive (Near Eastern History) Est.
▪ Strana 9: Ljubaznošću Shrine of the Book, Israel Museum, Jerusalim.
[Slika na 32. strani]
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