Fetela boitsebisong

Fetela lethathamong la tse ka hare


U ka ba Motsoalle ea Molemo Joang?

U ka ba Motsoalle ea Molemo Joang?

Tšelisa le ho khothatsa motsoalle oa hao ha a khathatsehile (1Sa 20:1, 2; w19.11 7 ¶18)

Hlokomelisa motsoalle oa hao haeba ho na le kotsi (1Sa 20:12, 13; w08 2/15 8 ¶7)

Buella motsoalle oa hao ha a etselletsoa (1Sa 20:30-32; w09 10/15 19¶11)

Batho ba Jehova ba na le menyetla e mengata ea ho etsa metsoalle. E le hore u be le metsoalle u lokela ho atoloha. Ke mang eo u ka thabelang hore e be motsoalle oa hao ka phuthehong?