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Efficacy and cost-effectiveness of cell saver usage in the repair of thoracic aortic aneurysms and dissections. (เปิดหน้าต่างใหม่)

Amanvermez Senarslan D, Yildirim F, Kurdal AT, Damar A, Ozturk T, Tetik O

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Cell salvage for minimising perioperative allogeneic blood transfusion. (เปิดหน้าต่างใหม่)

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Efficacy of intraoperative cell salvage in decreasing perioperative blood transfusion rates in first-time cardiac surgery patients: a retrospective study. (เปิดหน้าต่างใหม่)

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Does washing swabs increase the efficiency of red cell recovery by cell salvage in aortic surgery? (เปิดหน้าต่างใหม่)

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Reinfusion of blood within aneurysm sac: a simple method of intraoperative blood conservation in elective abdominal aortic surgery. (เปิดหน้าต่างใหม่)

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Impaired red blood cell deformability after transfusion of stored allogeneic blood but not autologous salvaged blood in cardiac surgery patients. (เปิดหน้าต่างใหม่)

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Intraoperative cell salvage is associated with reduced postoperative blood loss and transfusion requirements in cardiac surgery: a cohort study. (เปิดหน้าต่างใหม่)

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The efficacy of an intraoperative cell saver during cardiac surgery: a meta-analysis of randomized trials. (เปิดหน้าต่างใหม่)

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Acute normovolemic hemodilution reduces allogeneic red blood cell transfusion in cardiac surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized trials. (เปิดหน้าต่างใหม่)

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Decreased transfusion requirements with use of acute normovolemic hemodilution in open aortic aneurysm repair. (เปิดหน้าต่างใหม่)

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Greater volume of acute normovolemic hemodilution may aid in reducing blood transfusions after cardiac surgery. (เปิดหน้าต่างใหม่)

Goldberg J, Paugh TA, Dickinson TA, Fuller J, Paone G, Theurer PF, Shann KG, Sundt TM 3rd, Prager RL, Likosky DS; PERForm Registry and the Michigan Society of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons Quality Collaborative.

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Impact of intraoperative high-volume autologous blood collection on allogeneic transfusion during and after cardiac surgery: a propensity score matched analysis. (เปิดหน้าต่างใหม่)

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Cardioprotective effects of acute normovolemic hemodilution in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery. (เปิดหน้าต่างใหม่)

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Large volume acute normovolemic hemodilution in patients undergoing cardiac surgery with intermediate-high risk of transfusion: a randomized controlled trial. (เปิดหน้าต่างใหม่)

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แหล่งที่มา‎: J Clin Anesth. 2023;87:111082.

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Hemodilution in high-risk cardiac surgery: Laboratory values, physiological parameters, and outcomes. (เปิดหน้าต่างใหม่)

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Acute normovolemic hemodilution and intraoperative cell salvage in aortic surgery. (เปิดหน้าต่างใหม่)

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The effect of acute normovolaemic haemodilution on blood transfusion requirements in abdominal aortic aneurysm repair. (เปิดหน้าต่างใหม่)

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Autologous versus allogeneic transfusion in aortic surgery: a multicenter randomized clinical trial. (เปิดหน้าต่างใหม่)

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Retrograde autologous priming in cardiac surgery: results from a systematic review and meta-analysis. (เปิดหน้าต่างใหม่)

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Retrograde autologous priming of the cardiopulmonary bypass circuit reduces blood transfusion in small adults: a prospective, randomized trial. (เปิดหน้าต่างใหม่)

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Retrograde autologous priming reduces transfusion requirements in coronary artery bypass surgery. (เปิดหน้าต่างใหม่)

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Retrograde autologous priming as a safe and easy method to reduce hemodilution and transfusion requirements during cardiac surgery. (เปิดหน้าต่างใหม่)

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The effect of retrograde autologous priming volume on haemodilution and transfusion requirements during cardiac surgery. (เปิดหน้าต่างใหม่)

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Ultrafiltration reduces blood transfusions following cardiac surgery: a meta-analysis. (เปิดหน้าต่างใหม่)

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Novel ultrafiltration technique for blood conservation in cardiac operations. (เปิดหน้าต่างใหม่)

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Use of the Hemobag® for modified ultrafiltration in a Jehovah's Witness patient undergoing cardiac surgery. (เปิดหน้าต่างใหม่)

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การย่อขนาดการทำ Cardiopulmonary Bypass

Use of minimal extracorporeal circulation improves outcome after heart surgery; a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. (เปิดหน้าต่างใหม่)

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Minimal extracorporeal circulation reduces the incidence of postoperative major adverse events after elective coronary artery bypass grafting in high-risk patients. A single-institutional prospective randomized study. (เปิดหน้าต่างใหม่)

Asteriou C, Antonitsis P, Argiriadou H, Deliopoulos A, Konstantinou D, Foroulis C, Papakonstantinou C, Anastasiadis K.

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Minimized perfusion circuits: an alternative in the surgical treatment of Jehovah's Witnesses. (เปิดหน้าต่างใหม่)

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Significant reduction in blood loss in patients undergoing minimal extracorporeal circulation. (เปิดหน้าต่างใหม่)

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Is microplegia really superior to standard blood cardioplegia? The results from a meta-analysis. (เปิดหน้าต่างใหม่)

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Impact of minimized extracorporeal circulation on outcome in patients with preoperative anemia undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery. (เปิดหน้าต่างใหม่)

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Total cavopulmonary connection in a 35-month-old Jehovah's Witness child. (เปิดหน้าต่างใหม่)

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Overcoming challenges: the use of minimal extracorporeal circulation in Jehovah's Witnesses undergoing cardiac surgery. (เปิดหน้าต่างใหม่)

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Miniaturized versus conventional cardiopulmonary bypass in high-risk patients undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery. (เปิดหน้าต่างใหม่)

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Transfusion-free anesthetic management for open heart surgery in a neonate—a case report. (เปิดหน้าต่างใหม่)

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Perfusion approaches to blood conservation. (เปิดหน้าต่างใหม่)

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Minimized extracorporeal circulation system in coronary artery bypass surgery: a 10-year single-center experience with 2243 patients. (เปิดหน้าต่างใหม่)

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Coronary artery bypass grafting with a minimized cardiopulmonary bypass circuit: a prospective, randomized trial. (เปิดหน้าต่างใหม่)

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Minimised closed circuit coronary artery bypass grafting in the elderly is associated with lower levels of organ-specific biomarkers: a prospective randomised study. (เปิดหน้าต่างใหม่)

van Boven WJ, Gerritsen WB, Driessen AH, van Dongen EP, Klautz RJ, Aarts LP.

แหล่งที่มา‎: Eur J Anaesthesiol 2013;30(11):685-94.

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Miniaturized cardiopulmonary bypass improves short-term outcome in cardiac surgery: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled studies. (เปิดหน้าต่างใหม่)

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แหล่งที่มา‎: J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2010;139(5):1162-9.

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