Takerada u Wasen We u Henen Mkaanem ma Aôndo

Iti i Aôndo ken Ruamabera u ken Zwa Heberu La

How do Bible translations render the divine name from Hebrew? Is it appropriate to use the form “Jehovah”? What does God’s name mean?

The Divine Name in the Christian Greek Scriptures

Consider compelling evidence that God’s personal name appeared in the original Greek manuscripts of the Bible.

Chart: Uprofeti man Ator a Yuda man Iserael (Vegher u sha 1)

Ashighe a akaa yange er hii 997 C.S.Y. zan zan 800 C.S.Y.

Caate:: Uprofeti man Ator a Yuda man Iserael (Part 2)

See a timeline of Bible history from 800 B.C.E. through 607 B.C.E.

Akaa a Vesen a sha Kwagh u Uma u Yesu Shighe u Lu Shin Tar La

See a timetable and map covering the period from 3 B.C.E. through the spring of 29 C.E.

Akaa a Vesen a sha Kwagh u Uma u Yesu Shighe u Lu Shin Tar La​—Mhii u Tom u Yesu

See a timetable and map covering the period from the autumn of 29 C.E. through Passover, 30 C.E.

Akaa a Vesen a sha Kwagh u Uma u Yesu Shighe u Lu Shin Tar La​—Zegetom u Yesu Er ken Galilia la (Vegher u sha 1)

See a timetable and map covering the period from 30 C.E. through Passover, 31 C.E.

Akaa a Vesen a sha Kwagh u Uma u Yesu Shighe u Lu Shin Tar La​—Zegetom u Yesu Er ken Galilia la (Vegher u sha 1)

See a timetable and map covering the period from 31 C.E. until after Passover, 32 C.E.

Akaa a Vesen a sha Kwagh u Uma u Yesu Shighe u Lu Shin Tar La​—Zegetom u Yesu Er ken Galilia la (Vegher u sha 3) kua ken Yudia

See a timetable covering the period in 32 C.E. between the Festivals of Passover and Dedication.

Tom u Pasen Kwagh u Yesu Va Er Vegher u sha Ityoughtaregh ki Yordan La

See a timetable and map covering the period in 32 C.E. after the Festival of Dedication.

Akaa a Vesen a sha Kwagh u Uma u Yesu Shighe u Lu Shin Tar La​—Tom u Yesu u Masetyô ken Yerusalem (Vegher u sha 1)

See a timetable and map covering the period from Nisan 8 through Nisan 14, 33 C.E.

Akaa a Vesen a sha Kwagh u Uma u Yesu Shighe u Lu Shin Tar La​—Tom u Yesu u Masetyô ken Yerusalem (Vegher u sha 2)

See a timetable and map covering the period from Nisan 14 through Iyyar 25, 33 C.E.

Loho u Bibilo

From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible contains a simple and consistent message. What is it?

Genese man Zende u Uter mba Tamen

See a map for the book of Genesis.

Mdugh u Mbaiserael ken Igipiti

Follow the path that the Israelites traveled to the Promised Land.

Er I Ngohol Tar u Ityendezwa Yô

See a map of Israel’s military campaign routes.

Tabernacle and High Priest

See a depiction of the tabernacle and the garments of Israel’s high priest.

Ajiir a ken Tar u Ityendezwa

See a map of the territories assigned to the tribes of Israel and of the areas where the judges from Othniel to Samson served.

Tartor u Davidi man u Solomon

See a map of the nation of Israel at its zenith.

Tempel u Solomon Maa La

See a depiction of fourteen of its prominent features.

Ityartor i Hemban Tahav sha Tar i Daniel Tsengaôron Kwagh u I La

See the immense dream image of Daniel chapter 2 as well as its fulfillment.

Tar u Iserael sha Shighe u Yesu La

See the Roman districts in and around Israel.

Tempel u sha Ayange a Mbaapostoli La

See a depiction of prominent features of the temple as it was during Jesus’ day.

Kasua u Yesu Mase Lun Uma Shin Tar La (Vegher u sha 1)

See a map of Jerusalem and the surrounding area, as well as a timeline covering the period from Nisan 8 through Nisan 11, 33 C.E.

Kasua u Yesu Mase Lun Uma Shin Tar La (Vegher u sha 2)

See a timeline covering the period from Nisan 12 through Nisan 16, 33 C.E.

Msamber u Kwaghaôndo u Mbakristu

See a map of Paul’s travels in spreading the good news and of the cities mentioned in Revelation.

Trade and Commerce

See artwork that can help you to visualize the liquid, dry, and linear measurements mentioned in the Bible.

Currency and Weight

See artwork that can help you to visualize the coins and weight measures mentioned in the Bible.

Hebrew Calendar

Match the Bible’s lunar calendar to the modern calendar, and see when yearly activities took place.