Aver yem sha atineakaa

Mkaanem ma sha Kwagh u Afishi Ase man u Zenden Nengen Ajiir

Se mba lôhôn we ser za zende nenge afishi ase man ajiir ase a gberen ityakerada. Fa ajiir man ashighe a zenden nengen ajiir shon.


Tours Resumed: In many countries, we resumed tours of our branch offices on June 1, 2023. For details, contact the branch you would like to tour. Please do not visit if you test positive for COVID-19, display cold or flu-like symptoms, or have recently been exposed to someone who tested positive for COVID-19.


Rodovia SP-141 - km 43




+55 15-3322-9000

Ashighe a za nengen ijiir ne

Hiitom zan zan Tomataan

8:00 zan zan 10:00 pepe, man 1:00 atetan zan zan 3:00 aikighe

A tôô ihwa i môm man miniti 40

Akaa a se eren her yô

Branci wase ne gberen ukôpi mba Bibilo man ityakerada man antyakeradav mba kiriki miliôn 36 hanma inyom. Shi samber a ityakerada i kuman myohom utôn 7,000 ken ijô i hemban 90, sha hanma inyom.

Gber antakerada u pasen we kwagh u ijiir ne.