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The Letter of James


1 2 3 4 5

Outline of Contents

  • 1

    • Greetings (1)

    • Endurance brings happiness (2-15)

      • Tested quality of faith (3)

      • Keep asking in faith (5-8)

      • Desire leads to sin and death (14, 15)

    • Every good gift is from above (16-18)

    • Hearing and doing the word (19-25)

      • A man looking in a mirror (23, 24)

    • Clean and undefiled worship (26, 27)

  • 2

    • Favoritism, a sin (1-13)

      • Love, the kingly law (8)

    • Faith without works is dead (14-26)

      • Demons believe and shudder (19)

      • Abraham called Jehovah’s friend (23)

  • 3

    • Taming the tongue (1-12)

      • Not many should become teachers (1)

    • The wisdom from above (13-18)

  • 4

    • Do not be a friend of the world (1-12)

      • Oppose the Devil (7)

      • Draw close to God (8)

    • Warning against pride (13-17)

      • “If Jehovah wills” (15)

  • 5

    • Warning to the rich (1-6)

    • God blesses patient endurance (7-11)

    • Let your “yes” mean yes (12)

    • Prayer of faith effective (13-18)

    • Helping a sinner to return (19, 20)