The Bible Changes Lives

The Bible Changes Lives

The Bible Changes Lives

WHY did a woman in her 60’s give up idol worship? What moved a Shinto priest to leave his work at a shrine and become a Christian minister? How was a woman who had been adopted at birth able to cope with feelings of abandonment? Consider what these people have to say.

“I No Longer Slave for Idols.”​—ABA DANSOU




MY PAST: I grew up in So-Tchahoué, a village situated in a marshy area near a lake. The villagers fish and raise cattle, goats, sheep, pigs, and birds. There are no roads in the area, so people use boats and canoes to move about. They generally build their houses out of wood and grass, although some build with bricks. People there are predominantly poor. Even so, crime is not as rampant as in the cities.

When I was a child, my father sent my sister and me to a fetish convent, where we were initiated into that traditional belief. When I grew up, I adopted Dudua (Oduduwa) from the Yoruba culture as my god. I built a house for this god and regularly offered sacrifices of yams, palm oil, snails, chickens, doves, and various other animals. These sacrifices were costly, often consuming nearly all my resources.

HOW THE BIBLE CHANGED MY LIFE: When I began to study the Bible, I learned that Jehovah is the only true God. I also learned that he does not approve of the use of idols in worship. (Exodus 20:4, 5; 1 Corinthians 10:14) I realized what I needed to do. So I threw all my images away and cleaned my house of everything pertaining to idol worship. I stopped consulting oracles, and I no longer participated in local rituals and funeral rites.

It was not easy for me​—a woman in her 60’s—​to make these changes. My friends, relatives, and neighbors opposed me and made fun of me. But I prayed to Jehovah for the strength to do what is right. I took comfort in the words of Proverbs 18:10, which says: “The name of Jehovah is a strong tower. Into it the righteous runs and is given protection.”

Something else that helped me was attending the meetings of Jehovah’s Witnesses. There I experienced Christian love, and I was impressed because these people try to live by the Bible’s high moral standards. What I saw convinced me that Jehovah’s Witnesses practice the true religion.

HOW I HAVE BENEFITED: Applying Bible principles has helped me improve my relationship with my children. I also feel that a burden has been lifted from my shoulders. I used to exhaust my resources on lifeless idols that did not benefit me in any way. Now I worship Jehovah, who provides a lasting solution to all our problems. (Revelation 21:3, 4) I am so happy that I no longer slave for idols, but rather, I slave for Jehovah! In him I have found true security and protection.