Jehovah’s Family

Jehovah’s Family


  1. 1. In this world, it’s hard to find a friend—

    Someone you can turn to who’s with you till the end.

    I used to dream I’d find a people who could be

    More than just some friends and more like family.

  2. 2. My search is over. I’ve come to know

    I’ve finally found God’s people; I feel the love they show.

    Now I live that dream that meant so much to me.

    I found more than friends; I found Jehovah’s family.


    Now I have brothers; I have sisters, mothers, fathers too,

    Little boys and little girls, older brothers who

    Come from ev’ry tribe and race and nationality.

    We love to be part of Jehovah’s family.

  3. 3. We love each other; our bond is strong.

    We love to have the honor of knowing we belong

    To the greatest brotherhood we’ll ever see.

    We love to be part of Jehovah’s family.


    Yes, we come from ev’ry race and nationality.

    We love to be part of Jehovah’s family.

  4. 4. Our God invites us to be more than a friend.

    He wants us in his fam’ly; his love will never end.

    Just to think that we will live eternally,

    Then we’ll all be part of Jehovah’s family—

    A part of Jehovah’s family,

