Va Lieca Olumue ko—Brasil
Read encouraging experiences of some who moved to another place in order to serve God more fully.
Meeting Today’s Adversities with Courage
How can we be courageous and focus on positive things no matter what happens to us?
Ovituwa Vipi Wa Siata Oku Lekisa?
How can we promote peaceful relationships with others? Learn from good and bad examples recorded in the Bible.
Tunde Eci Ukamba Wavo wa Fetika, pa Pita Ale 60 Kanyamo
Read the story of four full-time servants who forged a true friendship.
Obey God and Benefit from His Sworn Promises
What can we learn from God’s promises, sworn oaths, and covenants?
Tẽlisa Ondaka Yove Yoku Popia Hati Oco
What is involved in being truthful? How can we keep our most important promise to God?
Olondaka vi Tunda ‘Vomẽla Womãla’ vi Pamisa
Read how children in Russia were encouraged by their Christian friends.