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Mwiiwe waakhuliwa wa makoho ala

Mwiiwe waakhuliwa wa makoho ala
  1. 1. Nnoonihere hayi weera ninnahela mwiitti nipuro nahu mwa emusi ya Yehova? (Aef. 4:3)

  2. 2. Eheeni nintthuneyaahu opaka weera noonihere weera ninnawaakhela atthu, ni mwaha wa heeni? (Arom. 15:7)

  3. 3. Nnaakhavihere hayi atthu antxipale weera yeerele eparte ya emusi ya Yehova? (Aef. 2:17; 6:15)

  4. 4. Munaailipihere hayi weera mukhale a murettele? (Aef. 4:29; 5:1, 2; 6:13)

  5. 5. Nnawere hayi wunnuwihera nsivelo ni emusi ahu ya omunepani? (Aef. 1:15, 16)

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