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How Christians Suppose De Behave

How Christians Suppose De Behave

Why Christians need to continue to practice wetin them de preach and teach?

Which example Christians suppose follow?

Wetin fit happen if Christians de live their life for the way God want?

How the Scriptures for under fit help Christians make them no put hand for bad thing?

Pr 4:​23-27; Jas 1:​14, 15

Still check Mt 5:28; 15:19; Ro 1:​26, 27; Eph 2:​2, 3

  • Some Bible story wey fit help you:

    • Ge 3:​1-6—Eve fall for temptation instead of to reject-am

    • Jos 7:​1, 4, 5, 20-25—When Achan no obey Jehovah, plenty people suffer because of the sin wey e commit

How the Scriptures for under fit help Christians to do the correct thing?

Ro 12:2; Eph 4:​22-24; Php 4:8; Col 3:​9, 10

Still check Pr 1:​10-19; 2:​10-15; 1Pe 1:​14-16

  • Some Bible story wey fit help you:

    • Ge 39:​7-12—Joseph run from temptation, e no gree do wetin Potiphar wife want

    • Job 31:​1, 9-11—Job make up im mind say e no go look woman anyhow and de think wetin no clean

    • Mt 4:​1-11—Jesus reject temptation from Satan

Which bad character Christians must avoid?

Which bad things Christians suppose avoid?

Which fine-fine character Christians need to de show?

To Live Clean Life

2Co 11:3; 1Ti 4:12; 5:​1, 2, 22; 1Pe 3:​1, 2

Still check Php 4:8; Tit 2:​3-5

  • Some Bible story wey fit help you:

    • Ge 39:​4-12—Joseph continue to live clean life even as Potiphar wife de try force-am make e sleep with-am

    • Ca 4:12; 8:6—The Shulammite girl no leave the man wey e love, and e continue to dey clean; e no gree put hand for sex matter

Get trust for Jehovah

Check “Trust for Jehovah

To de see other people as people wey better pass us

Check “De Carry Body Down

Allow wetin you get dey enough for you

Join hand with people

Ec 4:​9, 10; 1Co 16:16; Eph 4:​15, 16

Still check Ps 110:3; Php 1:​27, 28; Heb 13:17

  • Some Bible story wey fit help you:

    • 1Ch 25:​1-8—King David arrange people wey de sing and people wey de play instruments to work together so that them go fit do their assignment well

    • Ne 3:​1, 2, 8, 9, 12; 4:​6-8, 14-18, 22, 23; 5:16; 6:15—Jehovah bless Im people because them work together, this one make them fit build the wall of Jerusalem back for just 52 days

Strong heart

Check “Strong Heart

De encourage other people; make people strong

Isa 35:​3, 4; Ro 1:​11, 12; Heb 10:​24, 25

Still check Ro 15:2; 1Th 5:11

  • Some Bible story wey fit help you:

    • 1Sa 23:​15-18—When King Saul de try to kill David, Jonathan encourage David

    • Ac 15:​22-31—The governing body for the time of the apostles send letter through some brothers to encourage the congregations

To endure; no tire; stand strong

Mt 24:13; Lu 21:19; 1Co 15:58; Ga 6:9; Heb 10:36

Still check Ro 12:12; 1Ti 4:16; Re 2:​2, 3

  • Some Bible story wey fit help you:

    • Heb 12:​1-3—Apostle Paul use the example of Jesus to encourage Christians to endure

    • Jas 5:​10, 11—James mention how Job endure and still talk about how Jehovah bless Job

Dey faithful for everything

Lu 16:10

Still check Ge 6:22; Ex 40:16

  • Some Bible story wey fit help you:

    • Da 1:​3-5, 8-20—Prophet Daniel and im three friends obey the Law of Moses about wetin them suppose chop and wetin them no suppose chop

    • Lu 21:​1-4—Jesus really praise one widow for the kind faith wey e get as e contribute the small money wey e get

Fear of Jehovah

Job 28:28; Ps 33:8; Pr 1:7

Still check Ps 111:10

  • Some Bible story wey fit help you:

    • Ne 5:​14-19—Because governor Nehemiah fear Jehovah, e no do like the other governors wey no treat God people well

    • Heb 5:​7, 8—Jesus show better example of how to fear God

The fruit wey God spirit de produce

Get open hand

Check “Get Open Hand

De serve God well

1Ti 6:6; 2Pe 2:9; 3:11

Still check 1Ti 5:4; 2Ti 3:12

  • Some Bible story wey fit help you:

    • Ac 10:​1-7—Even though say Cornelius no be Jew person, Jehovah see-am as person wey really get respect for-am, de fear God and get open hand

    • 1Ti 3:16—Jesus show the best example of person wey de fear God

Sweet words, good words

Pr 12:18; 16:24; Col 4:6; Tit 2:​6-8

Still check Pr 10:11; 25:11; Col 3:8

  • Some Bible story wey fit help you:

    • Ps 45:2—Prophecy about the Messiah talk say the King wey Jehovah choose go de talk for kind way

    • Lu 4:22—When people hear the kind way wey Jesus talk, e really touch their heart

De talk true for everything

De welcome people

Check “De Welcome People

De carry body down; know where you fit do reach

Check “De Carry Body Down

No de do partial

Check “No De Do Partial

De work hard; with all your heart

Check “Work

Complete worship

Check “Complete Worship

De really care for other people

Hold God tight

Check “Hold God Tight


Check “Mercy

De behave well

1Ti 3:​2, 11; Tit 2:2

Still check Pr 23:​1-3; 25:16

De obey

Check “De obey

Arrange things well

No tire to pray

Ps 141:​1, 2; Ro 12:12; Col 4:2; 1Th 5:17; 1Pe 4:7

Still check “Prayer

Ready to forgive

Check “To Forgive

De show respect

Php 2:​3, 4; 1Pe 3:15

Still check Eph 5:33; 1Pe 3:​1, 2, 7

  • Some Bible story wey fit help you:

    • Nu 14:​1-4, 11—When Israel people no show respect for Moses and High Priest Aaron, Jehovah see-am like say na Im them no respect

    • Mt 21:​33-41—Jesus use one example to show wetin go happen to people wey no respect-am and respect Jehovah prophets

Tight friendship with God; put wetin Jehovah want as number one

Mt 6:33; Ro 8:5; 1Co 2:​14-16

  • Some Bible story wey fit help you:

    • Heb 11:​8-10—Abraham live for inside tent as stranger because the Kingdom of God dey real to-am

    • Heb 11:​24-27—The things wey Moses choose to use im life do, show say Jehovah dey real to-am

Put yourself under the people wey de take the lead

Eph 5:21; Heb 13:17

Still check Joh 6:38; Eph 5:​22-24; Col 3:18

  • Some Bible story wey fit help you:

    • Lu 22:​40-43—Jesus show us better example as e put imself under e Papa and obey-am even when e really hard for-am

    • 1Pe 3:​1-6—Apostle Peter use the example of Sarah to teach Christian wives about how them go put theirself under their husband

Pity and deep feeling

Check “Pity

De talk true