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Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ

Which important way Jehovah de use Jesus to do wetin E want?

Ac 4:12; 10:43; 2Co 1:20; Php 2:​9, 10

Still check Pr 8:​22, 23, 30, 31; Joh 1:10; Re 3:14

  • Some Bible story wey fit help you:

    • Mt 16:​13-17—Apostle Peter talk say Jesus na the Christ and the Son of God

    • Mt 17:​1-9—Three of Jesus apostles see the kind power wey Jesus go get for future for vision, and hear when Jehovah talk say Jesus na Im son

Why Jesus dey different from every other person?

Joh 8:58; 14:​9, 10; Col 1:​15-17; 1Pe 2:22

  • Some Bible story wey fit help you:

    • Mt 21:​1-9—As Jesus ride donkey enter Jerusalem, this one make wetin them don talk about the King wey Jehovah don choose happen

    • Heb 7:​26-28—Apostle Paul talk about how Jesus wey be the High Priest wey big pass, different from other high priests

Wetin the miracles wey Jesus do teach us about Jesus and im Papa?

Joh 3:​1, 2; 5:36

  • Some Bible story wey fit help you:

    • Mt 4:​23, 24—Jesus do wetin show say e get power pass the demons and fit cure any kind of sickness

    • Mt 14:​15-21—Jesus use miracle take feed plenty people wey de hungry with five bread and two fish

    • Mt 17:​24-27—Jesus use miracle help Peter get money to fit pay the tax for temple so that other people no go vex

    • Mr 1:​40, 41—Jesus heal one man wey get leprosy because e get pity for-am. This one de show say Jesus really want cure people wey de sick

    • Mr 4:​36-41—Jesus stop one strong breeze wey de blow for sea. This one show say im papa don give-am the power to control the weather

    • Joh 11:​11-15, 31-45—Jesus cry as im friend Lazarus die; then Jesus bring-am back to life to show say e hate as people de die and the pain wey death de bring

Wetin be the main message wey Jesus teach?

Wetin be some of the fine-fine character wey Jesus show when e dey this earth? Notice how e show say . . .

E dey easy to talk to—Mt 13:2; Mr 10:​13-16; Lu 7:​36-50

E get pity; and de show mercy —Mr 5:​25-34; Lu 7:​11-15

E get strong heart—Mt 4:​2-11; Joh 2:​13-17; 18:​1-6

E de carry body down—Mt 11:29; 20:28; Joh 13:​1-5; Php 2:​7, 8

E de show love—Joh 13:1; 14:31; 15:13; 1Jo 3:16

E de obey—Lu 2:​40, 51, 52; Heb 5:8

E get deep sense—Mt 12:42; 13:54; Col 2:3

Why Jesus dey ready to die, and how this one take help us?

Why we suppose de happy say Jesus Christ de rule as King for heaven?

Ps 72:​12-14; Da 2:44; 7:​13, 14; Re 12:​9, 10

  • Some Bible story wey fit help you:

    • Ps 45:​2-7, 16, 17—This verse them show say the King wey God don choose go destroy all im enemies, and rule for correct way

    • Isa 11:​1-10—When Jesus go rule this earth as King, the earth go be Paradise wey peace go dey

Wetin Jesus go do for future?