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To Do Things to Help People

To Do Things to Help People

Wetin show say na Jehovah get open hand pass?

Joh 3:16; Ac 17:25; Ro 6:23; Jas 1:17

Still check Ps 145:​15, 16; 2Co 9:15

Which kind way person fit give wey no go make God happy?

Mt 6:​1, 2; 2Co 9:7; 1Pe 4:9

  • Some Bible story wey fit help you:

    • Ge 4:​3-7; 1Jo 3:​11, 12—Why God no accept Cain sacrifice?

    • Ac 5:​1-11—God punish Ananias and Sapphira because them lie about their gift and them no give the gift for correct reason

Which kind way person fit give wey go make God happy?

Mt 6:​3, 4; Ro 12:8; 2Co 9:7; Heb 13:16

Still check Ac 20:35

  • Some Bible story wey fit help you:

    • Lu 21:​1-4—Jesus praise one poor widow as e open hand give, even though say wetin e give really small

How Christians for the time of the apostles arrange to give their contribution for congregation?

Ac 11:​29, 30; Ro 15:​25-27; 1Co 16:​1-3; 2Co 9:​5, 7

  • Some Bible story wey fit help you:

    • Ac 4:​34, 35—The congregation show say them really get open hand, and the apostles make sure say the money reach the hand of the people wey need-am

    • 2Co 8:​1, 4, 6, 14—The congregation arrange to help other brothers and sisters wey really need help

Which important work Christians get to do for their family members and for other brothers and sisters?

Wetin Bible teach say make we do when we de care for poor people?

De 15:​7, 8; Ps 41:1; Pr 19:17; Jas 1:27

Still check Pr 28:27; Lu 14:​12-14; Jas 2:​1-4

Wetin show say the best way to help people na to help them know the truth about God?

Mt 5:​3, 6; Joh 6:​26, 27; 1Co 9:23

Still check Pr 2:​1-5; 3:13; Ec 7:12; Mt 11:​4, 5; 24:14

  • Some Bible story wey fit help you:

    • Lu 10:​39-42—Jesus help Martha understand say the things wey de make us near Jehovah more-more suppose come first for our life