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To Give Our Life to Jehovah

To Give Our Life to Jehovah

Wetin be the correct reason why we de give our life to Jehovah God?

De 6:5; Lu 10:​25-28; Re 4:11

Still check Ex 20:5

If we want serve God well, how we suppose de see Bible?

Ps 119:105; 1Th 2:13; 2Ti 3:16

Still check Joh 17:17; Heb 4:12

How God de help us to fit fight sin?

Wetin we need to do to show say we don repent from the bad things wey we be de do?

Ac 3:19; 26:20

  • Some Bible story wey fit help you:

    • Lu 19:​1-10—Zacchaeus, wey be the oga of people wey de collect tax, repent and stop to use wayo collect things from people and e return all the things wey e use force collect from people

    • 1Ti 1:​12-16—Apostle Paul explain how e stop to allow sin control im life and how God and Jesus Christ forgive-am and show-am mercy

Apart from say we go stop to do bad things, which other things we must do?

Wetin be some of the things wey God talk say we must stop to do if we want serve-am well?

1Co 6:​9-11; Col 3:​5-9; 1Pe 1:​14, 15; 4:​3, 4

  • Some Bible story wey fit help you:

    • 1Co 5:​1-13—Apostle Paul tell the congregation wey dey Corinth to disfellowship one man wey do sex wey no clean

    • 2Ti 2:​16-19—Apostle Paul warn Timothy say make e no listen to people wey don leave Jehovah and dey against Im organization, because the things wey them de talk de spread like wound wey de chop the flesh

Why servants of God no de support government for this world?

Isa 2:​3, 4; Joh 15:19

  • Some Bible story wey fit help you:

    • Joh 6:​10-15—After Jesus use miracle feed plenty people, the people want make-am their king, but Jesus run leave them

    • Joh 18:​33-36—Jesus explain say im Kingdom no get anything to do with the government for this world

How holy spirit de help us serve God well?

Joh 16:13; Ga 5:​22, 23

Still check Ac 20:28; Eph 5:18

  • Some Bible story wey fit help you:

    • Ac 15:​28, 29—Na holy spirit guide the governing body for Jerusalem to make important decision about circumcision matter

How we fit copy the way Jesus serve God?

Why Christians wey don give their life to Jehovah need to baptize?

Mt 28:​19, 20; Ac 2:​40, 41; 8:12; 1Pe 3:21

  • Some Bible story wey fit help you:

    • Mt 3:​13-17—Jesus come do wetin im papa want, and e show this one as e baptize

    • Ac 8:​26-39—One man wey de work for Ethiopia government, wey don already de serve Jehovah, ready to baptize after e learn the truth about Jesus Christ