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When the Heavy Rain Fall, Who Obey and Who No Obey?

When the Heavy Rain Fall, Who Obey and Who No Obey?

For the time of Noah, plenty people de do bad things. Genesis 6:5

Adam and Eve born children, that one make people plenty for the earth. After some time, some angel join Satan de do bad.

They come earth, and turn theirself to men so that they fit marry women. The women born boys. The boys wicked and get power pass ordinary people.

This one make bad people plenty for the world that time. Bible talk say people really bad that time, and na only bad thing dey their mind everytime.

Noah obey God and build the ark. Genesis 6:13, 14, 18, 19, 22

Na Noah be the only good man that time. Jehovah tell Noah say e want use heavy rain destroy all wicked people.

God still tell Noah say make e build one big boat or Ark, and put e family and different-different kind of animal for inside.

Noah warn people say heavy rain go fall, but they no listen. Some laugh Noah and some hate Noah.

After Noah build the Ark, e put all the animal inside.