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‘Everything Wey Dey the Place Wey the River Pass Go Get Life’

‘Everything Wey Dey the Place Wey the River Pass Go Get Life’


MAIN POINT FOR THIS CHAPTER: How the vision of the river wey de flow from the temple happen for Ezekiel time, how e de happen for our time, and how e go happen for future

1, 2. As e dey for Ezekiel 47:1-12, wetin Ezekiel see and learn? (Check the first picture.)

EZEKIEL sees yet another marvel in his temple vision: There is a stream flowing from the sacred structure! Just picture him tracing the course of that crystal-clear water. (Read Ezekiel 47:1-12.) It trickles out from the threshold of the sanctuary; then it emerges from the temple complex near the eastern gate. Ezekiel’s angelic guide leads him away from the temple, measuring the distance as they go. The angel repeatedly has Ezekiel pass through the water, and the prophet finds that it deepens rapidly, soon becoming a torrent that he could cross only if he were to plunge in and swim!

2 Ezekiel learns that the river flows into the Dead Sea and heals its salty, lifeless waters wherever the water of the river comes in contact with them, making the waters teem with fish. And along the riverbanks, he sees many trees of all sorts growing. Each month, they produce a new crop of nourishing fruit, and they sprout leaves that provide healing. Seeing all of this must have filled Ezekiel’s heart with peace and hope. But what did this part of the temple vision mean for him and his fellow exiles? And what does it mean for us today?

Wetin the River Wey Ezekiel See for Vision Mean for the Jews Wey Dey Babylon?

3. Why the Jews for Babylon know say the vision no mean say river go really flow come out from the temple for Jerusalem?

3 The Jews of ancient times surely did not understand the visionary river to be literal. Rather, this passage of Scripture likely reminded them of another inspired restoration prophecy, one recorded perhaps more than two centuries earlier by the prophet Joel. (Read Joel 3:18.) When the Jewish exiles read Joel’s inspired words, they did not expect the mountains literally to “drip with sweet wine” or the hills to “flow with milk”; nor did they expect a spring to flow “out of the house of Jehovah.” Similarly, fellow Jews likely understood that the message of the prophet Ezekiel’s vision was not about a literal river. * So, what message was Jehovah conveying? The Scriptures offer strong indications about the meaning of some parts of this picture. In general, though, we will consider three clear, loving assurances that may be drawn from this prophetic passage.

4. (a) Which blessings from Jehovah the river for Ezekiel vision go don make the Jews expect? (b) How the way Bible use this two word ‘river’ and ‘water’ make us dey sure say Jehovah go bless e people? (Check the box “Rivers of Blessings From Jehovah.”)

4 A river of blessings. In the Bible, rivers and water are often used to picture the flow of Jehovah’s life-giving blessings. Ezekiel saw such a river flowing from the temple, so the vision would have led God’s people to expect that Jehovah’s life-giving spiritual blessings would flow to them as long as they adhered to pure worship. What blessings? They would again receive spiritual instruction from the priests. And with sacrifices being offered at the temple, they could once more rest assured that atonement would be made for their sins. (Ezek. 44:15, 23; 45:17) Thus, they would be clean again, as if washed in the pure water emanating from the temple.

5. How the river for the vision show say we no need to worry whether the blessing go reach everybody?

5 Would there always be enough blessings for all? The vision soothes any such concerns by showing the miraculous expansion of the waters​—increasing from a trickle to a torrent in just over a mile! (Ezek. 47:3-5) The population in the Jews’ restored homeland might grow in number; yet, Jehovah’s blessings would expand to meet their needs. The river was a picture of abundance and plenty!

6. (a) Which promise Jehovah use this vision give e people? (b) But which warning the vision still give? (Check footnote.)

6 Life-giving water. In Ezekiel’s vision, the river flowed into the Dead Sea, reviving much of it. Notice that the waters gave life to such swarms of fish that the variety was comparable to that found in the Great Sea, or the Mediterranean Sea. There was even a fishing industry thriving along the shore of the Dead Sea between two towns that evidently lay a considerable distance apart. The angel stated: “Everything will live wherever the stream goes.” Does that mean, though, that the water from Jehovah’s house reached every part of the Dead Sea? No. The angel explained that some marshy regions remained beyond the reach of the life-giving waters. Those places were “abandoned to salt.” * (Ezek. 47:8-11) So the prophetic picture conveyed a reassuring promise that pure worship would revive the people, causing them to thrive. But a warning note was also sounded: Not all would accept Jehovah’s blessings; nor would all be healed.

7. As plenty tree dey the two side of the river wey Ezekiel see for vision, which hope e give the Jews wey dey Babylon?

7 Trees for food and healing. What of those trees along the riverbanks? They add to the beauty of the picture, do they not? They also add to its meaning. Ezekiel and his countrymen surely enjoyed thinking of the delicious fruit that such trees would provide, a new crop every month! That appealing picture further reassured them that Jehovah would feed them spiritually. And what else? Note that the leaves of those trees “will serve . . . for healing.” (Ezek. 47:12) Jehovah knew that, above all, the returning exiles would need spiritual healing, and he promised to provide just that. How he did so was discussed in other restoration prophecies, as we have noted in Chapter 9 of this publication.

8. Wetin show say this vision wey Ezekiel see go still happen pass the way e happen that time?

8 However, as we also discussed in Chapter 9, the returning exiles experienced only a limited fulfillment of such prophecies. It was the people themselves who limited that fulfillment. How could Jehovah bless them fully when backsliding, disobedience, and neglect of pure worship so often prevailed among them? Faithful ones were pained and disappointed by the conduct of their fellow Jews. However, loyal worshippers of Jehovah knew that his promises never fail; they always come true. (Read Joshua 23:14.) Hence, one day Ezekiel’s vision would have a greater fulfillment. But when?

The River De Flow for Our Time!

9. Which time this vision wey Ezekiel see happen pass as e happen that time?

9 As we noted in Chapter 14 of this publication, Ezekiel’s temple vision has a greater fulfillment during “the final part of the days,” the time when pure worship is exalted as never before. (Isa. 2:2) In what sense is this part of Ezekiel’s vision being fulfilled right now?

10, 11. (a) Which blessings we de get today wey be like river wey de flow? (b) For this last days, how the river of blessing from Jehovah don increase?

10 A river of blessings. The water flowing from Jehovah’s house reminds us of what blessings today? Really, we are reminded of all that contributes to our spiritual health and nourishment. Foremost is the cleansing power of Christ’s ransom sacrifice, which makes the forgiveness of our sins possible. The pure truths of God’s Word are also likened to life-giving, cleansing water. (Eph. 5:25-27) How have such blessings flowed in our time?

11 In 1919 there were only a few thousand servants of Jehovah, and they were thrilled to receive the spiritual food they needed. In the decades that followed, their ranks kept swelling. Today, God’s people number well over eight million. Has the flow of the pure waters of truth kept pace? Yes! We have an almost overwhelming supply of spiritual truths. Literally billions of Bibles, books, magazines, brochures, and tracts have flowed out to God’s people in the past century. Like the visionary river that Ezekiel saw, the flow of pure truths has expanded rapidly to meet the growing needs of spiritually thirsty people worldwide. Bible-based publications have long been available in printed form. And now, by means of the website jw.org, such material is available electronically in over 900 languages! How do such waters of truth affect righthearted people?

12. (a) How the message of truth don help plenty people? (b) Which warning message dey this vision for us today? (Still check footnote.)

12 Life-giving water. Ezekiel was told: “Everything will live wherever the stream goes.” Think of the way the message of the truth has flowed to all those who have come into our restored spiritual land. Bible truths have brought life and spiritual health to millions of receptive hearts. However, the vision also conveys a timely warning: Not all remain receptive to such truth. Like the marshy and swampy places in the Dead Sea in Ezekiel’s vision, there are hearts that become unreceptive, refusing to accept and apply the truth. * May that never be true of us!​—Read Deuteronomy 10:16-18.

13. Wetin we fit learn from the trees wey dey the vision wey Ezekiel see?

13 Trees for food and healing. Do the visionary trees along the riverbanks convey encouraging lessons to us today? Certainly! Remember, those trees produced a new crop of delicious fruit every month, and their leaves provided healing. (Ezek. 47:12) They thus remind us that we serve the God who generously feeds us and heals us in the most important way, spiritually. Today’s world is sick and starving in a spiritual sense. By contrast, think of what Jehovah provides. Have you ever come to the end of an article in one of our journals, sung the concluding song at an assembly or a convention, or finished watching a video or broadcast program and felt blessed to have such spiritual food? We are truly well-fed. (Isa. 65:13, 14) Does our spiritual food promote spiritual health? The wholesome counsel we receive, based solidly on God’s Word, helps us to fight off such spiritual enemies as immorality, greed, and lack of faith. Jehovah has also put in place an arrangement to help Christians overcome spiritual sickness brought on by serious sin. (Read James 5:14.) We are indeed blessed, just as suggested by Ezekiel’s vision of the trees.

14, 15. (a) Wetin we fit learn from all the place for the vision wey the water no heal? (b) How we de gain today from this river wey Ezekiel see for vision?

14 At the same time, we may take a lesson from those unhealed marshy places. Never would we want to refuse to let Jehovah’s blessings flow into our life. It would be tragic to remain unhealed, like so many in this sick world. (Matt. 13:15) Rather, we are delighted to benefit from the river of blessings. When we eagerly drink in the pure waters of truth from God’s Word, when we share such truths with others by means of the preaching work, when we receive loving guidance, comfort, and help from elders who have been trained by the faithful slave, we may think of Ezekiel’s visionary river. That river promotes life and healing wherever it goes!

15 What, though, about a future fulfillment of this visionary river? As we will see, the river will flow in the greatest possible sense in the Paradise to come.

Wetin This Vision Go Mean for Paradise?

16, 17. (a) For Paradise, how the river of life go big pass as e dey now? (b) How we go gain from this river of blessings for Paradise?

16 Do you picture yourself in Paradise, surrounded by friends and family, enjoying life to the full? Studying Ezekiel’s visionary river can help you to make that picture more vivid. How so? Consider once more the three clear, loving aspects of the vision.

17 A river of blessings. The symbolic river will, in a sense, be far more expansive in Paradise, for its benefits will be not only spiritual but also physical. During Jesus’ Thousand Year Reign, God’s Kingdom will help faithful ones to benefit from the ransom in a much greater way. Gradually, they will be lifted to perfection! No more diseases, doctors, nurses, hospitals, health insurance! That water of life will flow to the millions of Armageddon survivors, “a great crowd” who will emerge from “the great tribulation.” (Rev. 7:9, 14) However, that initial flow of the river of blessings, impressive though it will be, will be only a trickle compared to what will come later. As in Ezekiel’s vision, the river will expand to meet greater needs.

In Paradise, the river of blessings will make everyone young and healthy (See paragraph 17)

18. How the ‘river of life’ go turn to big river for the one thousand years wey Jesus go rule?

18 Life-giving water. During the Millennium, the “river of water of life” will become a torrent. (Rev. 22:1) Countless millions, even billions, will be resurrected from the dead and offered the opportunity to live forever in Paradise! Jehovah’s blessings through the Kingdom will include bringing life to vast numbers of the dead, humans who have long lain powerless in the dust of the earth. (Isa. 26:19) However, will all those resurrected ones remain alive forever?

19. (a) Wetin show say new teaching go flow like water for Paradise? (b) For future, how some people go be like the place for the vision wey become salt area?

19 Each one must choose. You see, new scrolls will be opened during that time. So the refreshing waters from Jehovah will include newly revealed truths, new spiritual instructions. Is it not thrilling to think of that prospect? Nonetheless, some will refuse that blessing, choosing instead to disobey Jehovah. Some individuals may rebel during the Millennium, but they will not be allowed to disrupt Paradise. (Isa. 65:20) We may be reminded of Ezekiel’s vision and think of those marshy places that remained barren, “abandoned to salt.” How foolish are those who stubbornly refuse to drink from the precious water of life! After the Millennium, a group of rebels will side with Satan. All who reject Jehovah’s righteous rule will face the same end: eternal death.​—Rev. 20:7-12.

20. For the one thousand years wey Jesus go rule, which arrangement we go gain from wey go remind us about the trees wey Ezekiel see for vision?

20 Trees for food and healing. Jehovah does not want any of us to lose out on eternal life. To help us take hold of the marvelous opportunity he is offering, he will again make sure that there will be an arrangement like those trees that Ezekiel saw. In Paradise, though, the benefits from Jehovah will be physical as well as spiritual. In heaven, Jesus Christ and his 144,000 corulers with him will rule as kings for the Millennium. As a priestly class, the 144,000 will administer the benefits of Christ’s ransom sacrifice, helping to lift faithful humans to perfection. (Rev. 20:6) This arrangement for physical and spiritual healing reminds us of those trees that Ezekiel saw along the riverbanks, trees that bear nourishing fruit and have leaves that heal. Ezekiel’s vision parallels another beautiful prophetic passage, as recorded by the apostle John. (Read Revelation 22:1, 2.) The leaves of the trees John saw are “for the healing of the nations.” Countless millions of faithful humans will benefit from the priestly services of the 144,000.

21. How you de feel as you de think about this river wey Ezekiel see for vision, and wetin we go talk about for the next chapter? (Check the box “A Trickle Becomes a Torrent!”)

21 As you contemplate Ezekiel’s visionary river, is your heart not filled with peace and hope? What marvelous times lie ahead of us! And just think​—Jehovah painted striking word pictures of that time thousands of years ago, patiently inviting us to be there to see the great fulfillment, the reality promised in the pictures. Will you be there? You might wonder if there will really be a place for you in Paradise. Let us consider next how the closing passages of Ezekiel’s prophecy give us reassurance.

^ par. 3 Additionally, those exiled Jews who remembered the topography of their homeland likely knew that a river could not naturally flow from Jerusalem to the Dead Sea, for that would require flowing uphill in places.

^ par. 6 Some commentators view this as a positive expression, noting that harvesting salt for use as a preservative has long been a profitable industry in the Dead Sea region. Note, though, that the account pointedly says that those marshy waters “will not be healed.” They remain lifeless, unhealed, because the life-giving water from Jehovah’s house does not reach them. So it seems that, in this instance, the saltiness of those marshes is meant in a negative sense.​—Ps. 107:33, 34; Jer. 17:6.

^ par. 12 In a similar vein, consider Jesus’ illustration of the dragnet. Many fish are caught in the net, but not all prove to be “fine.” The unsuitable ones need to be thrown away. Jesus thus warned that a sizable number of those who come into Jehovah’s organization may, in time, prove to be unfaithful.​—Matt. 13:47-50; 2 Tim. 2:20, 21.