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Reject Wicked Spirits With the Help Wey Jehovah De Give

Reject Wicked Spirits With the Help Wey Jehovah De Give

‘Our fight na against the wicked spirits for the heaven.’​—EPH. 6:12.

SONG 55 Fear Them Not!


1. As Ephesians 6:10-13 explain, wetin be one way wey Jehovah de show say e care about us? Explain.

JEHOVAH de help us fight against our enemies and this one de really touch our heart. This na one of the ways wey Jehovah de show say e care about us as e servants. Our main enemy na Satan and the demons. Jehovah de warn us about this enemies, and e don give us wetin we need to fight against them. (Read Ephesians 6:10-13.) When we trust Jehovah with all our heart and follow the way e de help us, we go succeed for our fight against Devil. We fit get the same trust like apostle Paul for Bible. E talk say: “If God dey our side, who go dey against us?”​—Rom. 8:31.

2. Wetin we go talk about for this article?

2 As true Christians, we no de waste our time for things about Satan and the demons. We de spend most of our time de learn about Jehovah and de use-am for e service. (Ps. 25:5) But, we need to know about the main ways wey Satan de operate. Why? So that we no go fall for e hand. (2 Cor. 2:11; ftn.) For this article, we go talk about one main way wey Satan and the demons de try to deceive people. We go still talk about how we fit fight them and win.


3-4. (a) Wetin be spiritism? (b) Wetin show say plenty people believe the power of demons?

3 One main way wey Satan and the demons de try to deceive people na with spiritism, or to de do things with demons. People de put hand for things about demons, and this people claim to know or control things wey ordinary people no fit know or control. For example, some of them de claim say they fit talk wetin go happen for future or they fit see sign for things like star, to know wetin go happen. Other people fit do like say them de talk to dead people. Some other people de do witchcraft or magic, and they fit try to use charm for another person. *

4 Plenty people believe the power of demons. How we manage know? One research find out from some people for 18 countries, for Latin America and the Caribbean, and e show say 1 person out of three people among them believe the power of things like magic or witchcraft. And almost the same number of people still believe say e dey possible for people to fit talk with spirits. They do another research among some people for 18 countries for Africa. For there, more than one person out of two people among them believe the power of witchcraft. No matter where we de live, we must protect ourself against things wey concern demons. After all, Satan de try to see how e go fit “deceive the whole world.”​—Rev. 12:9.

5. How Jehovah de feel about things wey concern demons wey people de put hand?

5 Jehovah na “the God of truth.” (Ps. 31:5) So, how Jehovah de feel about things wey concern demons wey people de put hand? Jehovah hate-am! E tell Israel people say: ‘Make nobody dey with wuna wey e de burn e pikin for fire, or anybody wey e de use power of the spirits to know about the future or wetin people no know, or anybody wey e de do magic, or de look for sign to know wetin go happen for future, or anybody wey e de do witchcraft, anybody wey e de charm people, or anybody wey e de talk to or receive message from spirits, anybody wey e de talk wetin go happen for future, or anybody wey e de talk with the dead. Because any person wey e de do this things de do wetin Jehovah see as rotten things.’ (Deut. 18:10-12) True Christians no dey under the Law wey Jehovah give Israel people. But, we know say Jehovah never change the way e de feel about things wey concern demons.​—Mal. 3:6.

6. (a) How Satan de use things wey concern demons de cause trouble for people? (b) According to Ecclesiastes 9:5, wetin be the truth about the condition of dead people?

6 Jehovah warn us make we no put hand for things wey concern demons because e know say Satan de use this things bring trouble for people. Satan de use this things make people believe lie-lie. For example, people believe the lie say when person die, e de go live for another place. (Read Ecclesiastes 9:5.) Satan still de use things about demons to make people de fear and to turn them from Jehovah side. Satan want make people de do things with demons because this one go make them trust wicked spirit instead of Jehovah.


7. Wetin Jehovah de tell us?

7 As we don talk before, Jehovah de tell us the things wey we need to know so that Satan and the demons no go deceive us. See some things wey we fit do to help us fight against Satan and the demons.

8. (a) Wetin be the number one way wey we de reject wicked spirit? (b) How Psalm 146:4 expose the lie of Satan about dead people?

8 Read Bible and think deep about wetin you read. This na the number one way wey we de reject the lies wey wicked spirits de spread. Bible be like sharp sword wey fit cut enter the lies wey Satan de spread. (Eph. 6:17) For example, Bible expose the lie say dead people fit talk with the living. (Read Psalm 146:4.) Bible still remind us say na only Jehovah fit really tell us wetin go happen for future. (Isa. 45:21; 46:10) If we de read Bible and think deep about wetin we read everytime, we go dey ready to reject and hate the lies wey wicked spirits want make we believe.

9. Which kind things wey concern demons we no de put hand?

9 No gree do anything wey concern demons. As true Christians, we no de ever put hand for anything wey concern demons. For example, we no de go meet people like witch doctor, or try to talk with dead people for any way. As we don talk-am for the article before this one, we no go put hand for any burial tradition wey get connection with the belief say dead person dey alive for another place. And we no de read sign for things like stars or other things to know wetin go happen for future. (Isa. 8:19) We know say all this kind belief and things wey people de do really dey dangerous and they fit make us get direct connection with Satan and the demons.

Imitate Christians for apostle their time, and destroy or troway anything wey you get wey concern demons, and reject anything wey you de use enjoy yourself wey concern demons (Check paragraph 10-12)

10-11. (a) Wetin some people for apostle their time do when they learn the truth? (b) According to 1 Corinthians 10:21, why we need to imitate the example of Christians for apostle their time, and how we fit do-am?

10 Destroy or troway anything wey concern wicked spirits. Some people for Ephesus for apostle their time put hand for things wey concern demons. But when they learn the truth, they do something quick-quick. Bible talk say many of the people “bring their book together” and “they burn-am for front of all the people.” (Acts 19:19) This people really do everything wey they fit to reject wicked spirits. The book wey them de use do magic cost plenty money. But they no dash people the books or sell-am, instead they destroy-am. This one show say wetin dey important to them pass any other thing na to make Jehovah happy, no be how much the books be.

11 How we fit imitate the example of this Christians for apostle their time? We go show say we get sense if we destroy or troway anything wey we get wey concern demons. Things like chain, ring, charm, or other things wey people get or de wear to protect theirself from wicked spirit.​—Read 1 Corinthians 10:21.

12. Which questions we go ask ourself about the kind things wey we de use enjoy ourself?

12 Sofri check the things wey you de use enjoy yourself. Ask yourself say: ‘I de read books, magazines, or articles for Internet wey talk about the power of demons? What of the music wey I de listen to, the films and TV shows wey I de watch, or the video games wey I de play? Any of the things wey I de use enjoy myself get connection with demons? E de show things like vampire, zombie, and people or things wey their power come from spirits? E de make magic, curse or charm be like say danger no dey if person use them?’ The truth be say, no be everything wey people de watch, read, or play de happen for real life. But no be all of them get connection with spirits. When you want select wetin you go use enjoy yourself, make you dey sure say you choose wetin go help you stay far from anything wey Jehovah hate. We want do our best to “get clean conscience” for the eyes of our God.​—Acts 24:16. *

13. Wetin we no suppose de do?

13 No de tell people story about demons. We want imitate the example wey Jesus show us for this matter. (1 Pet. 2:21) Before Jesus come this earth, e live for heaven, and e know many things about Satan and the demons. But Jesus no talk story about the things wey this wicked spirits don do. Jesus want teach people about Jehovah, no be about Satan. We fit imitate Jesus if we no de spread stories about demons. Instead, make we show-am for the things wey we de talk say our “heart de overflow with good thing,” and the thing na the truth.​—Ps. 45:1.

We no need to fear anything from wicked spirits. Jehovah, Jesus, and the angels get power pass them by far (Check paragraph 14-15) *

14-15. (a) Why we no suppose to fear wicked spirit? (b) Which reason dey wey show say Jehovah de protect e people today?

14 No allow wicked spirits make you fear. Bad things fit happen to us for this wicked world. Things like accident, sickness, or even death wey we no expect. You think say na wicked spirit wey we no fit see de cause this kind things? Bible talk say ‘wetin we no expect’ fit happen to anybody, anytime. (Eccl. 9:11) Jehovah don show us say e get power pass demons by far. For example, God no allow Satan to kill Job. (Job 2:6) For time of Moses, Jehovah use Moses show the magic priest them for Egypt say e get power pass them. (Ex. 8:18; 9:11) After for heaven, Jehovah give Jesus the power to drive Satan and the demons from heaven and come this earth. And small time for future, Jesus go put them for abyss, where they no go cause trouble for anybody again.​—Rev. 12:9; 20:2, 3.

15 We de see plenty reason wey show say Jehovah de protect e people today. We de preach and teach the truth for everywhere for this earth. (Matt. 28:19, 20) And we de expose the work wey Devil de do. The truth be say, if to say Satan fit, e for stop all our work, but e no fit. So we no need to fear wicked spirits at all. We know say “the eye of Jehovah de look every place for the earth, so that e go show e power for people wey them de serve him with all their heart.” (2 Chron. 16:9) If we dey faithful to Jehovah, demons no get the power to do us any bad thing wey go last forever.


16-17. Give one example to show say we need to get strong heart to fit reject wicked spirit.

16 We need to get strong heart to fit reject wicked spirit, especially when our family members or friends dey against us because they think say bad thing go happen to us if we no join them. But when anybody show say e get this strong heart, Jehovah de bless the person. Make we talk about the example of one sister wey e name na Erica. This sister de live for Ghana. Erica be dey 21 years when e start to study Bible. Because e papa na magic priest, they expect make Erica put hand for customs wey get connection with demons. One of this customs be say Erica go chop meat wey they sacrifice to the gods wey e papa de serve. When Erica no gree chop the meat, e family say na insult to their gods. And so they believe say their gods go punish them with mental problem and give them other kind of sickness.

17 Erica family try to force Erica make e follow the custom, but Erica no gree, even though say they say make e leave their house. Some people for congregation allow Erica to stay with them. Na so Jehovah bless Erica with new family. This brothers and sisters show love and really be like family to Erica. (Mark 10:29, 30) Even as they tell Erica say e no be their pikin again and burn e things, Erica continue to hold Jehovah tight, e baptize, and now e de serve as regular pioneer. Erica no fear demons at all. Erica talk something about e family, e say: “I de pray everyday say make my family come know Jehovah, so that they go enjoy the blessing and freedom wey we de enjoy as we de serve our God Jehovah, the God of love.”

18. Which blessings we go get when we trust Jehovah?

18 No be all of us go face that kind problem wey go test our faith like that. But all of us need to reject wicked spirit and trust Jehovah. If we do like that, we go get plenty blessing, and Satan no go use lies deceive us. Another thing be say, we no go allow fear of demons make us stop to serve Jehovah. And the number one thing be say, we go make our friendship with Jehovah strong more-more. James the disciple write for Bible say: “Make wuna put wunaself under God . . . but fight Devil, and e go run from wuna. Make wuna draw near God, and e go draw near wuna.”​—Jas. 4:7, 8.

SONG 150 Seek God for Your Deliverance

^ par. 5 Because Jehovah love us, e don warn us about wicked spirits and the trouble wey they fit cause. How wicked spirits de try to deceive people? Wetin we fit do to reject wicked spirits? This article go talk about how Jehovah de help us so that they no go deceive us.

^ par. 3 WORDS WEY WE EXPLAIN: Spiritism na beliefs and things wey people de do wey de make them get connection with demons. For example, people believe say when person die, e spirit de continue to live and e de talk with the living, especially through somebody. Witchcraft and to use demon power know wetin go happen for future na part of spiritism. The word magic for this article de talk about things wey people de do with power of demons. E fit still be to use charm do people bad or to curse and remove curse from people. No be tricks wey people de do with hand, and wey some people de do just to entertain other people.

^ par. 12 Elders no get the right to put law about wetin people go de use enjoy theirself. Each Christian must use e conscience wey e don use Bible train to choose wetin e go read, watch or play. Family heads wey get sense go make sure say na wetin dey Bible de guide the kind enjoyment wey e family go choose.​—Check the jw.org® article wey be “Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Ban Certain Movies, Books, or Songs?” under ABOUT US > FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS.

^ par. 54 OTHER THINGS ABOUT THE PICTURE: Picture of Jesus as powerful King wey de lead group of angels. The throne of Jehovah dey above them.