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Make Your Love De Grow

Make Your Love De Grow

“I de continue to pray say, make wuna love de plenty more and more.”​—PHIL. 1:9.

SONG 106 Make Love Dey Part of Our Character


1. Who help to form the new congregation for Philippi?

WHEN apostle Paul, Silas, Luke, and Timothy reach Philippi, many people wey they see for this city wey Rome de control, want learn more about the good news. This four brothers de put all their heart for the work of God, and they help to form congregation. And all the new brothers and sisters start to do meeting together. Maybe na the house of Lydia them de use as meeting place that time. This sister sabi take care of visitors and strangers.​—Acts 16:40.

2. Which trouble the new congregation for Philippi face after small time?

2 After small time, the new congregation face trouble. Satan make people fight against the preaching work wey this faithful Christians de do. This people hate the truth. They arrest Paul and Silas, they beat them with rods, and put them for prison. After they release them from prison, they visit the new disciples and they encourage them. Then Paul, Silas, and Timothy comot for the city, but maybe Luke remain for there. Wetin this new brothers and sisters go do now? Jehovah help them with e spirit, so they continue to use all their heart and power to serve Jehovah well. (Phil. 2:12) They really make Paul glad!

3. As e dey for Philippians 1:9-11, wetin Paul pray about?

3 After about ten years, Paul write letter to the congregation for Philippi. As you read the letter, you go see say Paul really love the brothers and sisters. Paul write say: “I really want see wuna. The love wey I get for wuna be like the love wey Christ Jesus get for wuna.” (Phil. 1:8) Paul write to them say e pray for them. E pray make Jehovah help them make their love de grow, make they fit dey sure of wetin dey important pass, make them dey pure, make they no make other people fall, and make they continue to bear righteous fruit. Today too, we fit learn from the fine things wey Paul write, no be so? So make we read wetin Paul write to the brothers for Philippi that time. (Read Philippians 1:9-11.) Then we go talk about the things wey e mention and learn how we fit use each of them for our life.


4. (a) According to 1 John 4:9, 10, how Jehovah show say e really love us? (b) How the level of our love for God suppose to be?

4 Jehovah show say e really love us when e send e Son come this earth to die for our sin. (Read 1 John 4:9, 10.) We love God because of this kind love wey e show us. (Rom. 5:8) Wetin go be the level of our love for God? Jesus answer that question when e tell one Pharisee say: “You must love Jehovah your God with all your heart, all your soul and all your mind.” (Matt. 22:36, 37) We want love God with all our heart. And we want make our love for God de strong more-more everyday. Paul tell the brothers for Philippi say make their love “de plenty,” or de grow, “more and more.” Wetin we fit do to make our love for God de strong everyday?

5. How our love go fit de grow more-more?

5 We need to know God so that we go fit love God. Bible talk say: “If person no de show love, the person never know God, because God na love.” (1 John 4:8) Apostle Paul talk say, if we know the truth about God and understand the way e de see things, our love for God go de strong more-more. (Phil. 1:9) When we first start to study Bible, our love for Jehovah begin grow even though say we never know everything about the kind person wey e be. Then as we continue to learn about God, our love for God come de strong more-more. Na this one really make-am dey important say make we de study Bible everytime and think deep about wetin we read.​—Phil. 2:16.

6. According to 1 John 4:11, 20, 21, who we still need to love so that our love go de grow?

6 God get strong love for us. Na this love go move us to love our brothers. (Read 1 John 4:11, 20, 21.) Maybe we fit de think say to love our brothers and sisters go dey easy. Why? Na because we de worship Jehovah and we de try to imitate e fine-fine character. We de follow the example of Jesus. The kind love wey e get really strong sotey e die for us. But sometimes, to love each other as God command make we de do fit no dey easy. Make we talk about one example for the congregation for Philippi.

7. Wetin we learn from the correction wey Paul give to Euodia and Syntyche?

7 For Bible time, Euodia and Syntyche work together with apostle Paul. This sisters work with all their heart and power. But, e fit be say they get problem with each other and maybe their friendship scatter. For the letter wey Paul write to the congregation wey this two sisters dey, e mention their name and give them clear correction. E tell them say “make them dey as one.” (Phil. 4:2, 3) Paul still feel say na important thing to tell the congregation say: “Make complain and argument no dey for anything wey wuna de do.” (Phil. 2:14) True-true, the clear correction from Paul help this two faithful sisters and other brothers and sisters for the congregation to make their love for each other strong more-more.

Why we need to always think about the fine-fine character wey our brothers get? (Check paragraph 8) *

8. Wetin fit really make-am hard for us to love our brothers, and wetin fit help us?

8 Like Euodia and Syntyche, sometimes we fit get problem with our brothers and sisters, and this one fit make-am hard for us to show love. The reason fit be say we de think too much about the mistake of other people. All of us de make mistake everyday. If we continue to think about the mistake of people, our love for them go de go down. For example, one brother fit forget to join us clean Kingdom Hall. This one fit make us vex. Then, we fit begin think about all the other mistake wey the brother don do. If na so, then we go de vex for the brother more-more and our love for the brother go de go down. If this kind thing happen to you, e go good if you think of this truth: Jehovah de see our mistake and the ones wey our brother de make. But e still love us and that our brother. Because of this one, we need to show love like Jehovah, and continue to think about the fine-fine character wey our brothers get. When we work hard to love our brothers, we go dey as one with them more-more.​—Phil. 2:1, 2.


9. For the letter wey Paul write to Christians for Philippi, which things dey among “wetin dey important pass” for life?

9 Holy spirit direct Paul make e tell the brothers for Philippi say make them “dey sure of wetin dey important pass.” All of us still need to do the same thing today. (Phil. 1:10) Some of this important things na, how to make the name of Jehovah dey holy, how the things wey Jehovah don promise de happen, and the peace and unity for congregation. (Matt. 6:9, 10; John 13:35) When this things dey important for us pass any other thing for life, we de show say we love Jehovah.

10. Wetin we must do so that God go see us as pure people?

10 Paul still talk say we must dey “pure.” This one no mean say we must dey perfect. We no go fit dey pure like Jehovah. But Jehovah go see us as pure people if we do everything wey we fit do to make our love dey strong. Apart from that one, we go still make sure say we de do wetin dey important pass any other thing for life. One way wey we fit show our love na when we do everything to make sure say we no make other people fall, or spoil their friendship with Jehovah.

11. Why we need to try make we no make other people fall?

11 Paul talk say make we no “make other people fall.” This one na serious warning. How we fit make people fall? This one fit happen when we no choose some things well, like things wey we de watch or play, our dressing, or even our work. The things wey we de do fit no be wetin Jehovah condemn. But, what if the thing wey we choose de affect the conscience of another person and the person come fall, or e friendship with God spoil? Then, na really serious matter. Jesus talk say if we make one of e sheep fall, our condition go worse pass if they tie heavy stone for our neck and throw us inside sea!​—Matt. 18:6.

12. Wetin we learn from the example of one pioneer husband and wife?

12 Make we see how one husband and wife follow wetin Jesus talk. This husband and wife na pioneer. They serve for one congregation wey one new brother and sister dey. This new brother and sister na husband and wife and they just baptize that time. For the family wey they come from, they no de allow them do many things. For example, they believe say Christians no suppose to go watch film for cinema, even if na good film. So they no like-am at all when they know say the pioneer husband and wife don go cinema go watch film before. After, the pioneer husband and wife stop to go cinema go watch film. And na so they do until the other husband and wife don train their own conscience and they come really understand wetin dey right and wrong. (Heb. 5:14) This thing wey the pioneer husband and wife do show say, the love wey they get for the new brother and sister no be just for mouth. Instead, they still show this love for wetin they do.​—Rom. 14:19-21; 1 John 3:18.

13. How we fit make person sin?

13 Another way wey we fit make person fall na to make the person sin. How that one fit happen? See this example. One Bible student be de overdrink, but e struggle hard to stop-am until e come stop. The student come make up e mind say e no go ever drink alcohol again. E change plenty things for e life and baptize. After, one better brother invite this new brother come get-together. E encourage the new brother to take alcohol, and talk say: “You don be Christian now; you get Jehovah’s spirit. One part of the holy spirit na self-control. If you get self-control, you suppose to fit drink small alcohol.” The result fit dey very sad if the new brother listen to that wrong advice!

14. How our meeting de help us see many ways wey we fit follow the advice for Philippians 1:10?

14 Our Christian meeting de help us see many ways wey we fit follow the advice for Philippians 1:10. Number one, the fine-fine things wey we de learn for meeting de remind us of things wey Jehovah see as more important things. Number two, we de learn how we fit use the things wey we learn so that we go dey pure. Number three, our meeting de encourage us to “show love and do better work.” (Heb. 10:24, 25) The more our brothers de encourage us, the more our love for God and our brothers go de grow. When we use all our heart love God and our brothers, we go do everything wey we fit do so that we no go make our brothers fall.


15. Wetin e mean to “bear plenty righteous fruit”?

15 Paul really pray hard make the congregation for Philippi “bear plenty righteous fruit.” (Phil. 1:11) True-true, their love for God and e people dey part of this “righteous fruit.” To tell other people about their faith for Jesus and the wonderful hope wey they get na still part of the righteous fruit. Philippians 2:15 talk-am for another way say, “de shine like light for the world.” The thing wey this verse talk remind us say Jesus call e disciples “the light of the world.” (Matt. 5:14-16) Jesus still command e followers to “make disciples,” and e talk say: “Wuna go preach about me . . . for the whole earth.” (Matt. 28:18-20; Acts 1:8) We de bear “righteous fruit” when we do everything wey we fit do for this important work.

Paul write letter give the congregation for Philippi when e dey prison inside one house for Rome. That time, Paul use any opportunity wey e get to preach to e guards and visitors (Check paragraph 16)

16. How Philippians 1:12-14 show say we fit shine like light even when the condition no dey easy? (Check picture for front cover.)

16 No matter our condition, we fit shine like light. Sometimes, something fit be like say e want block us make we no fit preach the good news. But that situation fit still open way for us to preach. For example, apostle Paul dey under house arrest for Rome when e write letter to the congregation for Philippi. But even though say Paul dey for prison, the situation no make Paul stop to preach to e visitors and guards. For this condition, Paul still preach with all e heart and power. This one make the brothers get strong heart and dey ready “to talk about God with no fear.”​—Read Philippians 1:12-14; 4:22.

Always do everything wey you fit do to preach the good news (Check paragraph 17) *

17. How some brothers and sisters don fit de preach even when condition hard?

17 Many of our brothers and sisters show say they get the same strong heart like Paul. They no de fit preach for open place or from house to house for the country wey them de live. So, they look for other ways to preach the good news. (Matt. 10:16-20) For one of those country, one circuit overseer advice each publisher make they preach to their family members, neighbors, schoolmates, workmates, and other people wey they know. E talk say make they see-am as their preaching territory. Before two years complete, the number of congregation for that circuit don really increase. Maybe we de live for country wey we dey free to preach. Even with that one, we fit learn fine lesson from the hard work of this brothers and sisters. The lesson na: Always do everything wey you fit do to preach the good news, and dey sure say Jehovah go give you power to preach even when condition hard.​—Phil. 2:13.

18. Wetin we go dey ready to do?

18 For this our time, e dey very important make we ready to follow wetin dey the letter wey Paul write to the brothers and sisters for Philippi. We must make sure say we do wetin dey important pass for life, we must dey pure, no make other people fall, and bear righteous fruit. If we do this things, our love go de grow more-more, and we go bring praise to our Papa Jehovah, the God of love.

SONG 17 De Help Them

^ par. 5 We need to make the love wey we get for our brothers and sisters de strong more-more. We need-am for this our time pass any other time. The letter wey apostle Paul write to the congregation for Philippi help us see how we fit make our love de grow, or de plenty, even when e hard for us to show love.

^ par. 54 OTHER THINGS ABOUT THE PICTURE: When them de clean Kingdom Hall, one brother wey e name na Joe stop work, and e begin talk with one brother and e pikin. This one come make Mike vex small. Na Mike hold vacuum machine. E talk for e mind say, ‘Joe suppose to work, but e de talk.’ After, Mike de look Joe as e de sofri help one old sister. This fine thing wey Mike see Joe de do remind Mike say make e de think more about the fine-fine character wey e brother get.

^ par. 58 OTHER THINGS ABOUT THE PICTURE: For country wey we no dey free to preach, one brother de use sense preach to person wey e know. After, for e workplace, e de preach to e workmate for break time.