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Wetin We Fit Learn From the Book of Leviticus?

Wetin We Fit Learn From the Book of Leviticus?

“Na God use holy spirit direct everything wey they write inside Bible.”​—2 TIM. 3:16.

SONG 98 Na God Give Us Bible


1-2. Why e good make Christians today learn from the book of Leviticus?

APOSTLE Paul remind e young friend Timothy say “God use holy spirit direct everything wey they write inside Bible,” and Timothy go fit use wetin they write for inside. (2 Tim. 3:16) The book of Leviticus dey part of wetin Paul talk about for here. Wetin you think about this Bible book? Some people think say na just laws plenty for inside this book and we no fit use them today. But, true Christians no de think like that about this Bible book.

2 They write Leviticus about 3,500 years ago. But Jehovah make sure say this book reach our hand today make we fit learn from-am. (Rom. 15:4) Leviticus de help us understand the way Jehovah de think and feel about some kind things. So make we get the interest to learn from this book. The truth be say, plenty things dey wey we fit learn from this Bible book. Make we talk about four of them.


3. For time of Israel, why the high priest de sacrifice animal once every year?

3 Number one lesson: We need to do the things wey Jehovah want if we want make e accept our worship. Every year, the nation of Israel de come together and the high priest go sacrifice animals to God for their sin. All those sacrifice wey them de do that time make them remember say they need God to forgive their sin. That day, the high priest go bring blood from the sacrifice enter the Most Holy to make the people dey clean from their sin. But something dey wey the high priest go first do, and na this thing dey more important.

(Check paragraph 4) *

4. As e dey for Leviticus 16:12, 13, wetin the high priest go do when e first enter the Most Holy for the day wey e want do sacrifice for the sin of the people? (Check picture for front cover.)

4 Read Leviticus 16:12, 13. Think-am for your mind how them de do that sacrifice for sin every year. The high priest go enter the tabernacle, or house of worship, and enter inside one big room wey them de call Most Holy. Na this one be the first time, out of the three times, wey the high priest go enter the room for that day. For one of e hand, e go hold container wey incense dey inside. The incense get fine smell. For the other hand, e go hold one thing wey hot charcoal dey inside. The thing be like small shovel and na gold they use make-am. But before e enter the Most Holy, e go wait small for front of the curtain. Na this curtain cover front of the Most Holy. And with deep respect, e go enter this room. Then e go stand for front of one box wey they make image of two angels ontop. This one just be like say the high priest de stand for front of Jehovah! Na now e go pour the holy incense sofri-sofri for inside the hot charcoal. And then one kind fine smell go cover the whole room. * After this one, e go enter the Most Holy again with the blood of the animals wey they sacrifice for sin. But notice say, the high priest go burn the incense before e carry the blood of the sacrifice enter the room.

5. Wetin we fit learn from the incense wey the high priest de burn every year?

5 Wetin we fit learn from the incense wey the high priest de burn every year? Bible show say when we pray and Jehovah accept-am, the prayer be like incense. (Ps. 141:2; Rev. 5:8) Remember say, the high priest go show deep respect before e take the incense enter the Most Holy. For the same way, when we want pray to Jehovah, make we show deep respect. Na God make heaven and earth. But even with that one, we fit pray to God and be e friend, just like papa and e pikin. This one de really make us glad. (Jas. 4:8) True-true, we fit be tight friend with God! (Ps. 25:14) We really glad for this special chance wey we get, so we no want do anything to make God vex at all.

6. Wetin we fit learn about Jesus from the incense wey the high priest de burn before e sacrifice the animals to Jehovah?

6 Remember say the high priest go need to burn the incense before e fit sacrifice the animals to Jehovah. E de do this one to make sure say God go accept the sacrifice. Wetin we fit learn from that one? The time wey Jesus dey for this earth, e do one important thing before e give e life as sacrifice. This thing wey e do dey important pass the life wey we go enjoy because of e sacrifice. Wetin be that? Jesus obey Jehovah go reach the end of e life for this earth, so that Jehovah go accept e sacrifice. E use this one show say, the correct way to live our life na to do the things wey Jehovah want. Jesus show say the way God de rule na the right way and na God suppose to rule us.

7. Why e be say everything wey Jesus use e life do for this earth make the Father glad?

7 For all the time wey Jesus live for this earth, e obey Jehovah well for everything. Jesus face different-different temptation and problem, and e know say the way e go die go really bring pain. Even with that one, e ready to show say na the way e Father de rule be the best. (Phil. 2:8) When Jesus face problem, Bible talk say e pray to God “with serious cry and tears.” (Heb. 5:7) Jesus pray from e heart all the time. This one show say e hold Jehovah tight and e even ready to obey Jehovah more-more. To Jehovah, the prayer of Jesus be like the fine smell from incense. The way Jesus live e life really make e Father glad and e use-am support the way e Father de rule.

8. How we fit follow the example of Jesus?

8 Today, we fit follow the example of Jesus when we do our best to obey God. Apart from that one, we go continue to support the way God de do things. When we face problem, we go pray to Jehovah make e help us because we want do the thing wey e like. When we do things like that, we de show say we support the way Jehovah de rule. We know say Jehovah no go hear our prayer if we de do things wey e hate. But, if we de do things wey e like, we dey sure say our prayer go be like fine smell from incense to Jehovah. And we fit dey sure say e de glad as we de obey and de support the way e de do things.​—Prov. 27:11.


(Check paragraph 9) *

9. Why Israel people de do another sacrifice apart from the one for sin wey them de do every year?

9 Number two lesson: We de serve Jehovah because our heart de glad for the things wey e de do. We go learn about this lesson as we want talk about another sacrifice wey Israel people de do. * For the book of Leviticus, we learn say person for Israel fit still do sacrifice because e want thank God. (Lev. 7:11-13, 16-18) The person no de do this sacrifice because e suppose to do-am. Instead, e de do this sacrifice because e want do-am. So the person de do this sacrifice from e heart because e love Jehovah, e God. For this sacrifice, the person, e family, and the priest them go chop the meat of the sacrifice together. But na only Jehovah them de give some kind part for the animal. Which part?

(Check paragraph 10) *

10. Wetin make the sacrifice wey Leviticus 3:6, 12, 14-16 talk about be like the worship wey Jesus give Jehovah?

10 Number three lesson: Because of love, we de give Jehovah our best. To Jehovah, the fat for animal na the best part for the animal. God still talk say some parts of the animal, like the kidney, dey special. (Read Leviticus 3:6, 12, 14-16.) So when any Israel person give this parts of the animal and the fat as sacrifice to Jehovah, this one de really make Jehovah happy. And this one show say that Israelite want really give Jehovah e best. For the same way, Jesus give Jehovah e best as e do everything wey e fit do to worship Jehovah because of love. (John 14:31) Jesus de glad to do wetin God want and e get strong love for the law of God. (Ps. 40:8) Because Jesus serve God from e heart, God really glad!

Because of the love wey we get for Jehovah, we de make sure say we give our best to Jehovah (Check paragraph 11-12) *

11. How our worship be like that sacrifice wey Israel people do, and how this one fit give us comfort?

11 Like the sacrifice wey Israel people do to thank God, we de use our worship de show how we feel about Jehovah. We de give Jehovah our best, no be so? Why we de do-am? Na because we love Jehovah with all our heart. Na this strong love de make us worship God from our heart and really love the way e de do things. So as Jehovah de receive worship from e servants for the whole world, we dey sure say e de really glad! Make we remember say, Jehovah de see wetin we de do and e like-am. But no be only that one. E still de see the reason why we de do this things and e like-am too. This one de give us comfort. For example, if you don old and you no de fit do the things wey you de do before, you fit dey sure say Jehovah understand. Maybe you de feel say you no fit do plenty things for Jehovah again. But, e de see say the strong love wey you get de make you do wetin you fit do. E de glad to accept your best.

12. How Jehovah feel about the sacrifice wey Israel people do, and how that one fit encourage us?

12 Wetin we fit learn from the sacrifice wey Israel people do? As the fire de burn the best part of the animal, the smoke de go up and Jehovah de glad. So you fit dey sure say Jehovah like-am when you do your best for e service from your heart. (Col. 3:23) Just think about how e go really glad for wetin you do. Anything wey you do for Jehovah dey important, whether the thing big or small. The thing really dey important to Jehovah and e go remember-am forever.​—Matt. 6:20; Heb. 6:10.


13. According to Leviticus 9:23, 24, how Jehovah show say e support Aaron and e sons as priest?

13 Number four lesson: Jehovah de bless e people. Think about wetin happen when they build the tabernacle near Mount Sinai for the year 1512 B.C.E. (Ex. 40:17) Na Moses direct the way things go for the day wey they choose Aaron and e sons as priest. The people of Israel gather together to see as the priests de do their first sacrifice. (Lev. 9:1-5) Wetin Jehovah do to show say e support Aaron and e sons as priest? As Aaron and Moses bless the people, Jehovah send fire from heaven to burn the remaining sacrifice for the altar.​—Read Leviticus 9:23, 24.

14. Why the arrangement wey Jehovah make for Aaron and e sons to be priest for Israel, dey important for us today?

14 Wetin the fire from heaven show? Jehovah use-am show say e really support Aaron and e sons as priest wey e don choose. When the people see-am clear say Jehovah support the priest them, they come understand say they need to support them too. We learn anything from that one? Yes, we learn something! The arrangement wey Jehovah make so that priest go dey for Israel dey important for us today. Na so because that arrangement de show another better one wey God go bring for future, and na this one dey more important. Na Jesus be the High Priest, and 144,000 people go be priest and king with Jesus for heaven.​—Heb. 4:14; 8:3-5; 10:1.

Jehovah de bless and guide e organization. We de support the organization with all our heart (Check paragraph 15-17) *

15-16. How Jehovah don show say e de support “the faithful and discreet slave”?

15 For 1919, Jesus choose small group of anointed Christians as “faithful and discreet slave.” That slave de direct the preaching work and them de teach us the things wey we need to know from Bible. (Matt. 24:45) We de see-am clear say Jehovah de support the faithful and discreet slave?

16 Satan and e people de try to stop the work wey the faithful slave de do. If no be Jehovah de help them, they for no fit do the work. Two world war don happen for the world and money problem don affect people for every corner. Apart from that one, God’s people don suffer for things wey they no do. Even with all this one, the faithful and discreet slave never stop to give us the things wey we need. Think about the plenty publication wey we get today for free, and we fit read them for more than 900 language! True-true, God de support the faithful slave. The preaching work na another reason to show say Jehovah de bless e people. The truth be say, we de preach the good news “for everywhere for this earth.” (Matt. 24:14) We de see-am clear say Jehovah de guide e organization and e de really bless-am today.

17. How we fit show say we de support the organization wey Jehovah de use?

17 Na good thing for us to ask ourself say, ‘I dey happy say I dey part of Jehovah’s organization?’ For the time of Moses, Jehovah send fire from heaven to show say e support the people wey they choose. Today too, Jehovah don show us clear say e de use e organization. We really get plenty things wey we need to thank God for. (1 Thess. 5:18, 19) How we fit show say we support the organization wey Jehovah de use? We fit do this one when we de follow the direction wey we de receive from Bible, our publication, our meeting, assembly, and convention. Apart from that one, we fit show say we support this organization when we de use all our power de preach and teach people Bible.​—1 Cor. 15:58.

18. Wetin you don tell yourself say you go do?

18 Make we tell ourself say we go use the things wey we don learn from the book of Leviticus. We want make Jehovah accept the things wey we de do for e service. Make we serve Jehovah because we dey happy for the things wey e de do. Because we love Jehovah with all our heart, make we always make sure say e de receive the best of wetin we fit do. And make we do everything wey we fit do to support the organization wey e de use today. When we do all this things, we de show say we value the special chance wey we get as servants of Jehovah!

SONG 96 Bible Na Fine Book From God

^ par. 5 The book of Leviticus get laws wey Jehovah give Israel people. No be this laws we de follow today as Christians. But we go fit still learn from them. For this topic, we go talk about fine-fine lesson wey we fit learn from the book of Leviticus.

^ par. 4 For time of Israel, they take this incense wey them de burn as holy incense, and them de use-am only for the worship of Jehovah. (Ex. 30:34-38) They no write-am for any place say Christians for apostle their time burn incense as part of their worship.

^ par. 9 If you want know more about this sacrifice (wey them de call communion sacrifice), check Insight on the Scriptures, Volume 2, p. 526.

^ par. 54 OTHER THINGS ABOUT THE PICTURE: For the day wey the high priest de do sacrifice for the sins of Israel people, e de enter the Most Holy with incense and hot charcoal to make the room get fine smell. After, e go enter the Most Holy again with the blood of the sacrifice for sin.

^ par. 56 OTHER THINGS ABOUT THE PICTURE: One person for Israel give one sheep as sacrifice to priest to use-am show say e family thank Jehovah for wetin e de do.

^ par. 58 OTHER THINGS ABOUT THE PICTURE: When Jesus dey for this earth, e show say e get strong love for Jehovah as e do the things wey God don command and help e disciples make they fit do the same thing too.

^ par. 60 OTHER THINGS ABOUT THE PICTURE: Even as this sister don old and e no de fit preach as before, e de do e best for Jehovah as e de preach with letter.

^ par. 62 OTHER THINGS ABOUT THE PICTURES: For February 2019, Governing Body member wey e name na Gerrit Lösch, release the new New World Translation for German language; the people there really happy and they like-am. Today, like this two sisters, publishers for Germany really like to use the new Bible de preach to people.